Montag, 30. April 2012

Better Sex Stories Giving Mind-Blowing Orgasms To Women Each And Every Time - Here Are The Correct Techniques! - Relationships - Sexuality

Are you struggling to boost your penis size and get a longer wider and stronger manhood? If you're anything like most men reading this you're probably trying hard to make sense of all the enlargement gimmicks out there right? You may have heard of desperate men who have fallen prey to the likes of pills weights and pumps but these two simple exercises I am about to show you WILL work to give you a bigger manhood PERMANENTLY.

Are you happy with the size of your penis? Do you wish that there was a guaranteed way to enlarge your penis safely? Look no further - It is now guaranteed and safe to add up to 4 inches to your penis size in just a matter of weeks! The best part is you can start TODAY adding length and girth to your penis size.

Click here now to learn how to enlarge your penis size and length >> You can start today with no waiting >> See results this week >>

Did you know that penis girth is one of the most important determining factors for how pleasured a woman feels during sex? A thick penis is much more easily able to stimulate a woman's clitoris during intercourse than a thin one is. Find out how you can get started building a thicker penis today!

If you have lived all your life bearing the embarrassment of having a smaller than average penis surely there must be a point in time where you start wondering what you can do to grow your penis bigger. After all there must be a way to help guys like you get over the torment of being small down below. So what is it that can realistically help you attain some form of size gain to your precious manhood?

If you've already decided that you want a bigger penis then you will not want to hang around any longer. You can now use natural enhancement to give you results in under 1 month and you can do all the techniques from your own home. That means you can ever get started today!

Having a bigger penis naturally is the best thing that you can do for yourself if you are interested in penis male enlargement. Enlargement routines are the only way to go if you want to make serious gains. There are many routines that are available and it can be a little nerve racking to process all of the information that you find in each one.

Do you hate the fact that you were born with an undersized penis? Are you currently trying to find a way to make your penis bigger? The great news for you is that you are able to add length and girth to your penis without leaving your own home.

Can you really find 'Free penis male enlargement exercises' online? There are a few sites floating around that offer a little advice on the subject. Very few that really have safe techniques that work.

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Samstag, 28. April 2012

Exercises To Make Penis Larger Sex Stories - Could It Be The Climax To A Great Night'S Sleep? - Relationships - Sexuality

Do you want a bigger penis? This article will show you how to get a bigger penis using just your hands!

RESULTS ARE NOW GUARANTEED: Enlarge your penis 1-4 inches. You can enlarge your penis size and girth easily. Get started TODAY with no waiting. See results in as little as 7 days Guaranteed!

You may have read or heard that in order to grow your penis you need to take special pills or use pressure pumps or even hang weights off the end of you penis for several months. Well none of these will get you a bigger penis. It's very simple and it's amazing how many people don't know about the 5 secrets that I'm about to share with you. If you use these 5 secrets that's ALL you have to do get an 8 9 or maybe even 10 inch penis just like a porn stars!

Penis size is an issue for most men. Time and time again we hear that size doesn't matter and yet any conversation with an open woman will reveal that size does in fact matter. I'll touch on this and discuss various methods and techniques available to the self-conscious man.

How can I improve my penis size? If I were to receive a penny each time I hear this question I would be a rich man by now. Think about these staggering statistics: Studies have revealed that over three quarters of men are unhappy with their penis size and are anxious to find a way to deal with it. If this sounds like you too don't worry. You can add extra size to your penis and change your life for the better.

Do you want to have an average to small penis all of your life? No you don't. Finally there is a method that is guaranteed to work for you! You can change your life starting from today and get a bigger penis get better sex and increase your confidence.

Enlarge your penis now >>

There are several methods of enlarging the penis suggested by the researchers out there. Such methods can be easily classified into surgical and non surgical methods. There has been a mixed response regarding surgical methods of penis male enlargement with some reporting favourable results as well.

Herbal libido enhancers can increase libido naturally and improve overall wellness at the same time. Here we will look at a proven combination of herbs which will give you harder erections and increased libido.

If you've been obsessing over your inadequate penis size you'll be happy to know that their reliable ways to increase your size. This article identify three of the most popular methods for male penis male enlargement.

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Mittwoch, 25. April 2012

Instant Erection How Women Enjoy Eroticism Through Sex Stories - Relationships - Sexuality

penis male enlargement has been a practice that has lived for over a thousand years in different countries all over the world. Men from then up to today have been interested in the idea of having a longer penis achieving longer erections and being able to satisfy their women that the male enhancement industry has grown bigger and bigger than ever.

Did you know that it's possible to enlarge your penis at home using nothing but your hands and a few specially designed and highly secret NATURAL exercises that anybody with two hands can do?

Just 6 minutes per day for a few short weeks will make your penis much longer thicker and healthier and give you permanent gains which you can enjoy for the rest of your life!

penis male enlargement has never been easier! Now that research has taken place which proves that natural enhancement really works you know that you can get rid of all those useless devices and ridiculous pills that are taking up space in your house.

More and more guys are becoming aware of their penis sizes these days and would like to take a step towards possibly changing their manhood for good with an array of problems out there such as premature early ejaculation lack of sensitivity and ed to name a few guys are also becoming extremely self conscious of their length and of course girth.

Your life would surely be more romantic when you get that larger penis you've always wanted to have. Rest assured that the woman of your life would surely be impressed as well.

Do you want to have an average to small penis all of your life? No you don't. Finally there is a method that is guaranteed to work for you! You can change your life starting from today and get a bigger penis get better sex and increase your confidence.

Enlarge your penis now >>

Before trying using any enlargement pills and devices you should always try natural penis male enlargement exercise first because these methods are safe and effective with faster results. Read these advice on penis male enlargement.

If you feel depressed and insecure about the size of your penis you need to take real action to change it. When I was ashamed of my own penis it was only when I found out the true solution to making it bigger that I was able to achieve the results I dreamed of. I added over 4 inches to my penis using the natural enhancement techniques that I will outline in this article.

Okay guys let's cut to the chase. You want a bigger penis and I can't blame you. A lot of us weren't exactly blessed when it comes to the size of our erection. And if you're like me you may have spent a lot of time looking for real solutions. I tried everything and wasted a lot of time. You don't have to make the same mistake. Here's what you truly need to know about making your penis bigger for life.

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Dienstag, 24. April 2012

Better Sex Stories How To Use A Penis Enhancement Patch To Increase The Size Of Your Penis - Relationships - Sexuality

When it comes to a man's manhood the size shape and many other factors may be a concern. It is these worries that can massively affect both his confidence as well as the sex life that he may or may not enjoy and it is normally this that causes many men to look at how to enlarge your penis fast.

With all the new technologies and alternative and natural methods in the sexual health field nowadays you can get a bigger and stronger penis quickly permanently and in a safe way. Using the method I'm about to show you I managed to add 2.4 inches to my penis size going from 4.8 to 7.2 inches and feeling better than ever...

There are so many penis male enlargement products out there which claim to increase your penis size that you can get lost underneath all of the choice. However the FDA has advised us against what they term as 'mechanical devices' and it's difficult to know what's safe and what is dangerous. I spent nearly a decade trying to enlarge my penis. It cost me a fortune and at times it had severe side-effects on my penis but eventually I discovered a safe natural effective way to increase my penis size.

Are you unhappy with the size of your penis? Would you like to be bigger and able to perform better in the bedroom? Results are now guaranteed that will naturally increase the size of your penis permanently. Permanent gains Click here >>

The time has come when men are looking for ways to increase the size of their penis with their own methods. They do not want to experiment with pills and extenders any longer and possibly gain a fraction of an inch for a momentary second. Guys want something that gets large permanent size increases. There is only one way to do this. Get some tips on the process inside.

You can get a much bigger and thicker erect penis size quickly permanently and safely. I went from a humiliating 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around to over 8 inches long and exactly 6 inches around. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about enlarging your erect penis quickly permanently and safely.

It has never been easier to add length and girth to your penis. All you need to do is take your body back in time. No I am not talking about time travel. With the help of some simple hand exercises you are now able to trick you body to think it is going through puberty all over again. There is a reason your body grows more during puberty. If you truly want to make your penis bigger then you need to go through puberty all over again. Except this time without the pimples.

There is more to being a great lover than just having a massive member. If you want to leave women feeling completely satisfied and overwhelmed with pleasure it is also essential to make sure that your penis is as full firm and long-lasting as possible. Here are three simple ways that you can improve your erections.

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Montag, 23. April 2012

A True Shemale Sex Story - Relationships - Sexuality

Me my girlfriend and a few of her friends were at home drinking one night when we decided to play a game of truth or dare. This started off with the girls kissing eachother, flashing their boobs etc and the me stripping etc. As we were getting more drunk the dares started getting naughtier and more extreme. Anyway getting to the main part of the story-

It was my dare and the girls said that they had something they had in mind but it involved me being blind folded. I was up 4 anything at this point so i agreed. What happened next though i didnt expect. I was blindfolded and then started feeling nausious and tired.. I must have passed out because i cannot remember anything apart from what happened after i woke up. The blindfold was removed and after my eyes adjusted to the light i saw that i was in an open field bent over with my hands and legs tied to a metal gate. I was also dressed in black stockings, bra, a pink thong and a tiny black mini skirt that barely covered my ass which was now exposed to everyone. I could hear giggling and voices, i looked over my shoulder to see my girlfriend and her friends and two guys. She had a video camera in her hand and was pointing it straight at me. I asked her what the fuck was going on and she said that i was to be punished for getting turned on watching her kiss her friends and fo r me flirting with them. I went to say something back when one of the guys jumped over the gate and rammed his huge cock in my face, i tried moving away but i could hardly move. The other guy came over and grabbed me by the hair and started moving my head up and down on the others cock. I was choking on it and my eyes were watering and all i could hear were the girls laughing and saying yeah give it to the dirty slut. After a while of this i felt the thong i was wearing pulled down and something cold against my ass, Then the guy pushed a finger in my ass then 2 and started working them in and out, my girlfriend shouted at him that they wanted to see more and said lets see how many the slut can take, 3 then 4 fingers entered my ass, i tried to let out a cry of pain but the other guy just kept on fucking my face. The guy fingering my ass stopped and climbed up on top of me with his feet on the gate then slammed his huge cock straight in2 my now opened up ass, he was holding on to the gate for support and this enabled him to fuck me at a fast and hard pace. I looked over to see the camera still taping and knew that i was being humiliated, how could i ever look at my girlfriend again in the same way knowing that they had seen all this. I must of been fucked for about 30 mins by both of the guys when one of them let out a scream and came up my ass, as he pulled out i felt hot cum dribbling out of my ass and down my legs. The other started wanking his cock and let out a stream of thick cum all over my face. The y then got dressed and got in one of the cars waiting on the road. My girlfriend came over and pushed a piece of paper into my thong and said it was a map to get home, she then untied my legs and hands then retied them behind my back. She then got in the other car and said that i had to find my own way home using the map she had drawn. with that she drove off.

What a slut i felt having to walk in public dressed this way and with cum dripping down my legs. That will teach me 2 flirt with her friends again

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Sonntag, 22. April 2012

Dating Single Woman Advice How Women Enjoy Eroticism Through Sex Stories - Relationships - Sexuality

Do you want to know how to get a big thick penis? It's easier than you think and you will not need any special equipment! There will be no need for pills since they don't work to increase your penis size anyway. This great enlargement method is even guaranteed to help you gain from 1 to 4 thick inches to your manhood. Wait! No pills no special equipment and guaranteed to work? Read on to find out what it is.

Are you happy with the size of your penis? Do you wish that there was a guaranteed way to enlarge your penis safely? Look no further - It is now guaranteed and safe to add up to 4 inches to your penis size in just a matter of weeks! The best part is you can start TODAY adding length and girth to your penis size.

Click here now to learn how to enlarge your penis and see results this week >> You can start today with no waiting >>

Penis exercises are the most common form of enlargement in the world. Their growth is unprecedented and the reason for this is because the are cheaper than buying a device or a pill and they are easy to start. You don't need anything to perform exercise as it's all in the hands. There is one fatal flaw to using exercises which penis exercise marketers don't want you to know. In this article I'm going to discuss exactly what that is why exercises often fail. I'm also going to reveal who they work for - a small group of men. Are you in the group?

Millions of men around the world are unhappy with the size of their penises and suffer in silence. While a large number of women resort to sex toys like vibrators and dildos since they desire deeper penetration. However you need not despair since there are a couple of methods that can make your penis grow so much so that you can be the best sex toy your women would ever need.

When was the last time you heard of a method on how to increase penis size that made at least some sense to you? There are lots of so-called 'methods' on increasing penis size. None of those pills or devices work - but there IS something that works and you can gain 1-4 inches from it.

5 tips you can use to make your penis look bigger and improve your self confidence. Not all men are hung like fact the majority of men have an average size penis.

Let's face it women like a man that's larger. So what do we do if we don't size up? It's not our fault it's nature.

Worried your woman may leave you because of your lack of size down below? Then you have to do something about your penis size pronto! Believe it or not penile size inadequacy can be and has been a sole reason for relationship breakups. But how can you go about making your male organ grow bigger than it already is? Simple... just start exercising it daily!

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Samstag, 21. April 2012

Better Sex Stories 3' Inches Of Erection Gains Are Very Possible With These Hand Exercising Secrets - Relationships - Sexuality

Are you too bothered with your small penis? Do you find it too embarrassing to discuss with your friends? Or have you been asking yourself 'how do I get a bigger penis?' You are not alone! Surprisingly you might be sharing the same sentiments with some other men as well. Below are some practical ways on how you can achieve bigger penis that can somehow help you boost your self confidence.

Are you happy with your penis size? Most men are not. If you want to enlarge your penis size permanently and see huge gains - read on.. Just 6 minutes per day for a few short weeks will make your penis much longer thicker and healthier and give you permanent gains which you can enjoy for the rest of your life!

Are you shy or feeling self conscious about your penis curvature? Or probably you are too shy getting changed in public places or even a simple gym trip no longer interests you because of what those other guys might say when they peep at your penis and try to compare it with their own.

Just imagine you are married to your dream girl and are all set for a honeymoon. The night has come and you need to prove your sexual potency.

Is there anything that we can learn from pornography that is useful in our sex lives? This articles guides you through some sex moves that you may want to try and some that are best avoided.

Are you happy with your penis size? Most men are not. If you want to enlarge your penis size permanently and see huge gains - read on.. Just 6 minutes per day for a few short weeks will make your penis much longer thicker and healthier and give you permanent gains which you can enjoy for the rest of your life!

Enlarge your penis at home >>

Yes folks it was a pain-staking journey of endless research and humbling self-exploration but the debate is finally over. The penis size question has been answered.

It is not impossible to enlarge your penis. In fact there are some amazingly simple and natural ways that can make your penis bigger and thicker.

Are you like most men in this world? Do you wish you could add some more size to your penis? If so then today is your lucky day. You are now able to make you penis bigger without taking any pills or seeing a surgeon.

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Freitag, 20. April 2012

Premature Treatment Sex Stories - Could It Be The Climax To A Great Night'S Sleep? - Relationships - Sexuality

Whether you would like to have a bigger penis simply to please your woman or because it will just make you feel a lot more confident it doesn't change the fact that you need to choose the correct method for the enlargement process. You see though there are many products that will promise you the world when it comes to successfully making the penis bigger you will find that many of these companies don't really back up their promises.

Do you want to have an average to small penis all of your life? No you don't. Finally there is a method that is guaranteed to work for you! You can change your life starting from today and get a bigger penis get better sex and increase your confidence.

You can get a bigger erect penis that is much longer thicker and more satisfying to women using enlargement methods. I went from a puny 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around to over 8 inches long and exactly 6 inches around. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about increasing the size of your erect penis and which enlargement methods work best.

Men with a small penis always feel very shy when having sexual intercourse with their female friends. This ugly situation diminishes their desire for sex hence they are aware that they can neither satisfy their partner nor take her to orgasm.

Something you may have seen in the last few months is a newly advertised 'penis enlarging cream' promising the benefits of increased girth and length within 2-3 months. As a keen follower of penis male enlargement products I was highly interested in a potential landmark in the enhancement industry. So I bought the product and put it to the test.

Did you know that it's possible to enlarge your penis at home using nothing but your hands and a few specially designed and highly secret NATURAL exercises that anybody with two hands can do?

Just 6 minutes per day for a few short weeks will make your penis much longer thicker and healthier and give you permanent gains which you can enjoy for the rest of your life!

Enlarge your penis now >>

Natural penis male enlargement is in your hands. Find out how to naturally and PERMANENTLY enlarge your penis today!

You can make your penis longer and thicker permanently by using natural techniques. I went from a pitiful 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around to over 8 inches long and exactly 6 inches around. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about making your larger through natural exercise and the way the process works.

Snake-oil. You've heard of it right? Find a disease or problem that needs to be cured and create a bottle of useless herbs and vitamins and declare it the cure.

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Donnerstag, 19. April 2012

Better Sex Stories How To Make Your Penis Bigger - Accidental Product Combo Results In Fast Penis Growth - Relationships - Sexuality

You can quickly and permanently increase the size of your erect penis by a significant amount using only natural methods. I went from 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around to over 8 inches long and exactly 6 inches around. Here is some good information for men about significantly increasing your erect penis size fast using only natural techniques.

Do you want to have an average to small penis all of your life? No you don't. Finally there is a method that is guaranteed to work for you! You can change your life starting from today and get a bigger penis get better sex and increase your confidence.

If you are interested in learning how to increase your penis size then check out why this method has a historical track record for working amazingly well. This is definitely the way to go for enlarging.

To enlarge penis by exercising is a very ancient method. Basically Asian and African ancient people were used to using this kind of exercise. The Paduang tribe women (in Myanmar) and Nomad Arabic tribes are still used to using this kind of theory to lengthen their necks and ear lobs for their own standard of beauty.

Penis size is a topic of frustration for many men. There are about four different ways now to increase penis size available today so this guide to penis male enlargement is going to explain and give a final recommendation on each as suggested.

Do you want to have an average to small penis all of your life? No you don't. Finally there is a method that is guaranteed to work for you! You can change your life starting from today and get a bigger penis get better sex and increase your confidence.

Get a bigger penis now >>

More and more men are trying to find out how to enlarge the penis. Though cosmetic surgery is popular not all men can afford to pay for this and not all may want to take the risks. There are natural ways to enhance the size of a man's penis which involve some exercises that are easy to follow and some natural pills. Penis exercises can help increase the size of the penis' erectile tissues and pills can improve the circulation of blood around the penis area to achieve longer erections.

The average length of an erected penis is from 5.1 to 5.7 inches. If you already have this then you belong to the common penis size. However that does not mean you should be satisfied with the average. You can still make ways on how to have a bigger penis. That is if you want to.

If you are looking to get a bigger penis read on this article to find out the fastest penis male enlargement methods available. Have you thought that taking a magical pill or using a cool looking device can make you a bigger penis over night? Well... I hate to disappoint you but there is no such thing. There is simply no shortcut to this issue many men face so when thinking about the fastest penis male enlargement know that you need to invest some time to see results.

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Mittwoch, 18. April 2012

Better Sex Stories Best Way To Prevent Premature Early Ejaculation - Here Are Some Amazing Tips You Don'T Want To Miss At All - Relationships - Sexuality

This article answers frequently asked questions about how you can make your penis bigger at home starting today without having to use anything other than your own two hands. I went from 5.5 inches to over 8 inches doing just that and you can too!

Do you want to have an average to small penis all of your life? No you don't. Finally there is a method that is guaranteed to work for you! You can change your life starting from today and get a bigger penis get better sex and increase your confidence.

A bigger thicker penis is what most men would never refuse if someone offered them the solution. A big thick one will satisfy your woman like never before. How can I make my penis bigger a friend of mine asked me and since so many men have the same question I decided to outline a few methods.

Many men often ask the question if there are foods that help the penis grow. With so many types of male enhancement methods and techniques available on the market today it's become quite a difficult task to trust one method that will work for you. This is why many men have chosen to take the natural path that involves exercise and consuming the right types of food.

A lot of men who have a small penis have already had at least one or two women leave them because their penis size simply wasn't big enough even if the woman never actually came out and said it. Of course not all women will leave a man due to his lacking a normal or above average penis size and that's mainly because they haven't found a man that they liked whose penis was too small.

Are you happy with the size of your penis? If you are not then take action today! Once you understand how simple it is to enlarge your penis you will wonder why you waited so long.

Get a Bigger penis now >>

Making your penis bigger is very possible if you know what and how to do it. I am sure you have probably looked for different ways on how to do this and at some point feel frustrated because you just do not know what will work.

I have finally discovered a method of penis male enlargement that really works. After too long feeling ashamed and embarrassed by my inadequacy it was such a relief to come across two simple steps which changed my life for the better. Having had a penis which was only 4.5 inches now I am delighted by the fact it is over 8 inches! I know I am more capable of satisfying my partner sexually and I have so much more confidence now. I feel I am a new person. To see how these two simple steps can make your penis inches bigger read on...

When it comes to natural ingredients that have the ability to increase the size of your penis as well as improve your sex life Horny Goat Weed has definitely got to be one of the top performers. It is scientifically know as Epimedium Leaf Extract or Epimedium Sagittatum and has been used for thousands of years as a libido enhancers.

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Dienstag, 17. April 2012

Male Penis Size Telling Sex Stories Can Lead To A Great Orgasm - Secrets To Dirty Talk Sex - Relationships - Sexuality

If you have looked at getting penis surgery as an effective solution to your small penis size then you should really reconsider your options. There are three good penis male enlargement techniques that you can use in the privacy of your own home that will get you better results than costly penis surgery.

Do you want to have an average to small penis all of your life? No you don't. Finally there is a method that is guaranteed to work for you! You can change your life starting from today and get a bigger penis get better sex and increase your confidence.

Have you been the constant object of ridicule by your friends because they figured out when all of you were in the shower room after a muddy football game that your hump down there is no match to theirs? You may be quarterback in the field but to them you are just a sorry benchwarmer in bed. And though you laugh along with the jokes inside you are surely bothered with your penis size.

Millions of gimmicky pills and devices for 'a permanently bigger penis' exists today but anyone who does any research at all will discover that getting a bigger penis is much like anything else in life: You get out what you put in. Popping 'miracle' pills and then watching TV expecting to get huge won't offer you any results it'll just burn a hole in your wallet.

Guys all around the world have discussed argued and worried about the average sized penis for decades. Let's face facts having a small penis is an issue that can effect both men and women. For a man there is the embarrassment of having to change in the all-male showers at the gym. Or perhaps the humiliation of being naked in front of a woman. For women a guy that has a below average penis size could well limit their sexual enjoyment and pleasure.

Are you unhappy with the size of your penis? Would you like to be bigger and able to perform better in the bedroom? Results are now guaranteed that will naturally increase the size of your penis permanently.

Enlarge your penis at home >>

It's no use using an enhancement method that increases your size one minute and then a few weeks later you are back to square one. That's what a lot of them do most products simply don't deliver results that are that worthwhile and so you should really question the motives of those who sell them to you. If they are selling them to you just to make a quick buck (as is usually the case!) then you should try hard not to fall for them.

The Euro Extender is a male enhancement penis extender that has reached the market for years now. It is a good purchase since you not only increase the girth and length of your penis via the enhancing device that it offers but learn how to also increase your seminal fluid from just right to a monster flood!

Men are as vain as women about the way they look. A common problem that concern many men everywhere is the feeling of incompetence resulting from the size of their penis. The size of the penis can greatly affect men is so many ways. Because of his obsession to his penis they are willing to try all sorts of method to enlarge their penis.

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Montag, 16. April 2012

Better Sex Stories 3 Most Dangerous Mistakes You Should Never Make In Bed - You Must Know This Before It'S Too Late - Relationships - Sexuality

That's a fairly shocking statistic and will strike fear into most men. There are many reasons you may wish to get a bigger penis but I would hazard a guess that one of the main reasons is to impress the ladies! Men throughout history have wanted to make their penis bigger and it has usually been to appear more attractive to the fairer sex.

Are you happy with the size of your penis? If you are not then take action today! Once you understand how simple it is to enlarge your penis you will wonder why you waited so long.

Many men secretly wish that their penis was longer and thicker. They want to feel more virile. They want to give more satisfaction to their wife or girlfriend. They may wonder if they leave their partner unsatisfied despite protests to the contrary.

Have you ever wondered what you could do to make your penis bigger more attractive and of course get a lot more confidence to boot? There is a plethora of male enhancement options and products today but do they really work? Truth is those enlargement pills pumps pulleys and even 'magical' lotions do not work. The only genuine enlargement strategy that will give you super size improvement is actually quite simple - male enhancement exercises.

Have you decided that you want to increase in size quickly? Are you looking to find out the reasons why you should use the best penis pills on the market to increase in size? Great! Keep reading and you should know everything you need to to make a decision!

Are you happy with your penis size? Most men are not. If you want to enlarge your penis size permanently and see huge gains - read on.. Just 6 minutes per day for a few short weeks will make your penis much longer thicker and healthier and give you permanent gains which you can enjoy for the rest of your life!

Enlarge your penis at home >>

Some guys are born with longer and thicker penis. Others are embarrassed by their lack of size and girth of their penis. However it is well known that having a bigger penis men are generally confident and believe that having a bigger penis their sex appeal is boundless and in turn able to satisfy their partners. And which is why men with smaller penis are thinking of penis male enlargement surgery.

penis male enlargement extender are gadgets that promise to enlarge your penis without any negative side effects. There are the favorites among men who want to be bigger where it matters most. But are they really that effective? This article takes a hard look and present the facts with some independent study details for you.

Is it really possible to increase your penis size with a slide on penis extender? Find out here.

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Sonntag, 15. April 2012

American Artists Raise Funds for the Kolkata Free School - Education

With American newspapers today reporting the news that gas prices have topped $3 per gallon all over the U.S., 25 dollars doesn't mean much anymore--it won't even pay for a full tank. But to an orphan in the slums of Kolkata (formerly known as Calcutta) it means the difference between a desperate future and one of promise and possibility, as 25 dollars is what it costs to feed and educate a child for an entire month at the Free School of Kolkata.

Humanitarian and educator Mohammad Khalilullah, who created the school, has just returned to West Bengal, India, with the wherewithal to educate 50 children for an entire year thanks to a benefit concert held at the Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre International in Los Angeles last month.

Mr. Khalilullah has dedicated his life to helping the children of the slums of Kolkata. But it was just over a year ago, when he learned of the study technology of L. Ron Hubbard, that he realized he now had the tools to accomplish his goal. In a matter of months he opened his first free school in the Kolkata slums. With Mr. Hubbard's technology as the backbone of the program, he is providing children with tools that will take them out of the slums and poverty and provide them with the skills they need to earn a living and move into mainstream society.

The Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre International, joining forces with over 100 artists, put on a concert to raise money to support Mr. Kahlilullah's program. Charging $25 for admission to the fundraiser,enough to sponsor one child for one month at the Kolkata Free School,they raised $14,000.

Topping the list of artists for the evening was Amrapali Ambegaokar who, at the age of 21, was cast as one of the principal dancers of the Cirque du Soleil production "Dralion," a role she performed in 700 performances. A former multiple pageant title holder of Miss Asian America, Miss India USA, and Miss India North America, she has also appeared in Boston Legal, E.R. and Alias.

Joining Ms. Ambegaokar on stage was the dance group of the Ujjaldidar Singh Memorial Foundation. The Kids on Stage for a Better World and the Church of Scientology Choir also performed, and Michael Duff and Dee Dee O'Malley contributed their musical talents as well."We are overwhelmed with the support that we have received from these artists," said Mr. Khalilullah. "I have always been involved in educating the children of India, but when I was introduced to the study technology of L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of the Scientology religion, I then had tools that help kids to better retain their education, tools that assist children who are slow, tools educators can use to teach students how to learn. This technology provides an understanding of the basics of learning and supplies exact ways to overcome the pitfalls one can encounter during study. Mr. Hubbard expressed something I believe in when he wrote, 'The end and goal of any society, as it addresses the problem of educati on, is to raise the ability, the initiative and the cultural level, and with all of that the survival level of that society.' This is my dream for my homeland, India."

For more information or to contribute to the funding of the Free School of Kolkata visit To learn about study technology, visit the Scientology Handbook web site.

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Samstag, 14. April 2012

Isaiah Washington Might File A Lawsuit - Entertainment

Weeks after his unceremonious dismissal from Grey's Anatomy, embattled actor, Isaiah Washington is considering filing a lawsuit.

The furor over the Isaiah Washington-T.R. Knight gay slur issue has dragged on for months but the truth behind what really transpired is a matter of he said, he said until now. According to Knight, who appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres Show in January, "everyone [on the set] heard [the gay slur]." Knight was referring to an on-set disagreement between Washington and Grey's lead star, Patrick Dempsey, during which Washington reportedly used an anti-gay term in reference to Knight.

Washington has repeatedly disputed Knight's account of the events. He insists that Knight's version is not how things happened. "That's a lie. I used the word during a disagreement with Patrick. I apologized for that. We shook hands and went back to work," Washington said. "I knew T.R. was gay, but I would never attack him because of his sexual orientation. That's stupid. I've been working with lesbians and gays for 21 years in this business."

Washington further claimed that Knight had used the gay slur incident to his own purposes and milked the issue to gain some sympathy for his own ends. Washington added that Knight had been hoping for a more substantial role for his character, Dr. George O'Malley, and a corresponding pay hike to go with it. "I feel all of this was about him getting a raise and getting his character to stop being perceived as a dopey, kooky kind of character," Washington candidly revealed. "He perceives himself as a leading man. That's why you could see the change this past season. That was his whole impetus behind this. And I was used and I was raise T.R.'s profile. I may be wrong, but that's how I feel about it."

Washington said in an interview with the Houston Chronicle that "they fired the wrong guy." He said that T.R. Knight should have been canned for having created a negative working environment and stirring up the notion that the slur was targeted at him. In what he perceived as a calculated move by his co-star, Washington said he was contemplating taking legal action to clear his name and reputation. "My livelihood, my honor and dignity and my name have been so challenged," Washington concluded.

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Freitag, 13. April 2012

Essential Bra and Panty Check List--Top Ten Must Haves - Business - Product Reviews

The majority of women forget to stock your lingerie drawer regularly with the bare essentials. Just because lingerie isn't the first thing others see doesn't mean it doesn't play invaluable in your wardrobe and your self-esteem. Take stock of the bras and panties you do have, and make sure you've got everything on hand for the last minute party invite, backless dress, interview or active day at the park. Here's a quick checklist of what every girl should own, complete with tips for what to look for when shopping:

The girl-next-door bra: A smooth contoured, well-fitted bra that is comfortable to wear under t-shirts and when you are semi-active (not for sports, but sight-seeing, for example.) Light on lace, decorations and extras, this bra should be one you can wear with a thin summer shirt so that there aren't unsightly bumps and ridges. Look for one with a thin padding to make up for uneven breast size. A lovely choice is the Chantelle Senso Multipositional T-Shirt Bra; it comes in a neutral sand color so that it blends nicely with any color t-shirt.

The little-black-dress bra: A black bra is a must for dark colored evening wear when a strap might show, this bra won't stick out like s sore thumb. Black lace is an especially attractive, sexy choice. It's also a good idea to make sure your black bra has a plunging neckline; for a blouse or dress that goes low in the front, this bra will do the trick. An especially pretty example is the Cosabella Ceylon Demi Cup Bra--unusual and sexy.

The strapless bare-it-all bra: With tank tops, tube tops, or dresses, this bra will save the day by laying low and letting your shoulders take the lime light. Be sure to watch for sturdy structure and support, since this bra won't have straps to keep it in place. Prima Donna offers Prima Donna Satin Strapless Bra (/prima-donna-bras.html); classy elegant and easy to wear. The night-on-the-town bra: Make this a push-up bra. This is the bra you can splurge on--it can be any color your want (pink, purple, blue or even see-thru) and might have lace, rhinestones, sequins or feathers. You should feel beautiful when you put this bra on. Remember, if this is the type of bra you might wear going out on the town or dancing, don't sacrifice beauty for support. It's always fun to make this bra a push-up to accentuate your figure. One tip when picking this out: Go with your very first impulse--when you're shopping, is there a bra that says to you, "Do you dare?" A popular choice is the Prima Donna Deauville Demi Cup Bra, in black or natural.

The tea-party bra: Charming, conservative and good coverage, this bra is perfect for baby showers, job interviews and church. It can be worn under linen blouses and white button down shirts. No see-thru fabric should be anywhere on this bra, and it should hold you firmly in place, with a sturdy underwire, without exploiting your shape. Off-white or white lace can be a nice touch. When picking it out, look for a bra that your grandmother would approve of, the word here is "tasteful." Chantelle Tamaris Full Cup Bra comes in mother of pearl, a perfect choice of elegant, classy look.

The sporty-spice bra: Depending on how often you exercise, you might want more than one good sports bra, but you must have at least one. This should be a bra that holds you firmly in place when jogging or doing other types of vigorous exercise. One big tip--getting a light wick-away fabric can keep you from getting rashes or irritations under breasts or arms when working out. You don't have to drop the big bucks on this, a great standby is the C9 by Champion Seamless Bra.

The anti-panty-line thong: It's a good idea to have more than one of these. No one likes to have eye-catching panty lines. And don't forget, thongs or g-strings tend to be pretty sexy to the opposite sex. Fitted pants, shorts or skirts will look many times better with this thong underneath. This is more about impulse than brand--go with what is comfortable rather than choosing by brand.

The rainy day panties: Sometimes you need to take a break from sexy. This is a pair of panties that is comfortable to wear, preferably cotton, made of a thin material, without seams on the edges that are too tight. They should give you the same feeling your favorite t-shirt does. Target offers a terrific cotton panty that doesn't tug or pull in the least and comes in all sizes and colors, the Gilligan & O'Malley Ultimate panty.

The in-the-nude panties: White skirts, white pants or lightweight pastel colored bottoms can reveal your underwear, especially if they are bright or loud colors or fabrics. That's why it's always good to have a nude colored pair of panties so that they blend with the color of your skin, rather sticking out like a sore thumb.

The "I'm-too-sexy" panties: Go crazy when looking for these, ladies. Use the same tips for night-on-the-town bra--when shopping for this essential, go with your first instinct, have fun, and don't let yourself be modest. Your inner playgirl should come out on these panties; you need to feel beautiful and attractive, especially when you put on this pair of panties! Whether you're up for brands like Simone Perele, Prima Donna or Victoria Secret, just make sure that you feel absolutely gorgeous.

Obviously with panties, you will want several pairs, but having at least one of each type listed above is necessary for any occasion. Considering your weight and bra size might fluctuate several times in one year, between weight loss or gain, exercise, birth control or age, it's good to check on your supplies every six months, and get a bra fitting once a year. To be prepared for every occasion, make sure you stay on top of your lingerie essentials, and above all, pamper yourself; your lingerie drawer should make you feel gorgeous for any occasion!

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Donnerstag, 12. April 2012

Dental disease in Exotic Small Mammals - Family - Pets

At our Practice we see a large number of small mammals with symptoms of dental disease both as first opinion cases and as referrals from other practices. This article deals specifically with dental disease in Chinchillas (Chinchilla Langier). Degus (Octodon degus) and Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus).

The most common presentations include weight loss, anorexia, cachexia (chronic wasting), excess salivation (slobbers), small faeces or absence of faeces. An ocular (eye) discharge or a discharge from the nose may also be evident. The incisions (front teeth) are commonly overgrown and there may be a history of repeated burring or clipping of these teeth as an attempted treatment for the anorexia. On careful palpation the jaw of these presenting animals may be irregular and painful. Sometimes the animal will grind its teeth, a sign of pain in these species. There is often a poor dietary history which will be addressed later.

One of the most important points to stress is that a detailed oral examination of a conscious small mammal is nigh on impossible. This is especially true of the species dealt with in this article. Guinea pigs often have food in their mouths at the time of examination (in fact if they don't it is a worrying sign), chins and degus resent oral examination vigorously. Anaesthesia is often required to thoroughly examine the oral cavity and this allows the clinician to perform skull radiography, arguably the most informative diagnostic tool in small mammal dentistry. This is because most dental disease processes in exotic small mammals are concerned with the tooth "roots" which are encased in bone and therefore not visible on a dental examination. In fact, many animals with severe dental disease have mouths that look essentially normal on casual examination of the anaesthetised patient.

Dental Anatomy

Guinea pigs, chinchillas and degus have the dental formula of 2 x I 1/1 C 0/0 P 1/1 M 3/3 (where I = incisors, C = canines, P = premolars and M = molars). The premolars and molars act as a functional unit to grind food and the incisors are used for prehension and cutting of fibrous foodstuffs. All teeth grow continuously. There is no true anatomical root. The lower (mandibular) cheek teeth are arched toward the tongue and overgrowth can lead to tongue entrapment. The upper (maxillary) cheek teeth are angled outward (laterally). Angulation of the teeth provides an effective surface for grinding thin fibrous food material and when eating this high silicate foodstuff, rapid tooth wear occurs and new growing tooth replaces the wear caused by grinding. In the wild these animals spend a long time eating low quality grasses which are high in silicates (the precursors of glass). This continual grinding prevents overgrowth of the teeth.

Diet and dental disease

Captive bred specimens are larger than their wild counterparts and it is established that a proportion of cases of dental disease can be attributed to genetic causes. However, by far the most cases of dental disease in Guinea pigs, chinchillas and degus results wholly or in large part from inappropriate diets. Specifically a lack of dietary fibre is implicated. Most modern "complete" diets are complete in that they contain adequate protein, carbohydrates, fats and trace elements. However, their sole use leads not only to problems with obesity but also does not allow these animals to spend the large amount of time chewing and wearing their molar teeth that they require to grind down their continually growing back teeth. This can lead to spur formation and entrapment of the tongue by the diagonally growing lower molars. This can be picked up and treated by a detailed examination of the mouth. All the time however, a more sinister development is occurring which is all togethe r more difficult to treat.

If less time is spent chewing, the exposed parts of the teeth elongate. This puts pressure on the teeth which slows eruption, but tooth growth continues at a slow rate. Essentially what happens next is that the cheek teeth grow backwards, invading the structures of the skull. The teeth can grow into the nasal sinuses causing respiratory infections or towards the eyes causing weepiness. The lower teeth invade the jawbone causing bony changes and sometimes abscess formation (common in rabbits). The net result of this growth is that the mouth is progressively forced open. The front teeth elongate as they do not meet any more and becomes progressively more difficult for these animals to eat (try swallowing with your mouth open!). This leads to the condition known as slobbers where saliva spills onto the skin often causing a fetid smell. Clients often notice this and the fact that the incisors are growing and present these animals for incisor trimming. In fact the incisors are growing because they are not meeting as a result of the mouth being forced open by the overgrown back teeth. Skull radiography is the only way to accurately quantify if this has occurred and to what extent. All too often, animals are referred to this practice with histories of repeated anaesthetics with no radiography performed.


To sum up, difficult at best. Most presented cases have advanced disease. Aggressive burring of the cheek teeth may be attempted. If abscesses have formed, these need specific treatment. Eye infections require antibiotics. Otherwise force-feeding and anti-inflammatory drugs are required. Quality of life needs to be assessed on a regular basis and weight monitoring with faecal output are useful indicators of appetite. The liquid anti-inflammatory drug meloxicam (Metacam: Boehringer Ingleheim) is well tolerated in these species. It has the advantage of being very palatable (it tastes like honey) so is well accepted also. Often patients require life long treatment. Secondary problems associated with anorexia (e.g. intestinal stasis where the guts shut down and stops moving) also need to be addressed. Often euthanasia is required in patients that fail to respond.


As always, better than cure. The diet of these animals needs to resemble their diet in the wild. They are not like dogs and cats that get a bowl of food twice daily and that's it. Their anatomy and physiology is specifically set up to deal with ingestion of large quantities of lower quality foodstuffs in order to meet their nutritional requirements. This means lots of good quality hay. Timothy hay is usually the beat. The fibre requires lots of chewing and keeps the intestines moving which is essential for health. 1 to 2 tablespoonfuls maximum of concentrate mix is the recommended daily allowance; the rest should be good quality hay with occasional treats. Offer the hay in a hayrack to prevent contamination with faeces. This also provides environmental enrichment, as the animals have to work a little harder for their food. Twice yearly veterinary checkups allow careful palpation of the cheek teeth. Also monitor weight and faecal output on a regular basis so that any sympto ms can be managed early in the course of disease.


BSAVA Manual of Exotic Pets 4th edition

Hillyer, Quesenberry: Diseases of Ferrets, Rabbits and Rodents 2nd edition

O Malley: Clinical Anatomy and Physiology of Exotic Species

Carpenter: Exotic Animal Formulary 3rd edition


Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

Grey's Anatomy Wins Key Demo, Becomes Fall's Highest-Rated Premiere - Entertainment

Despite two characters leaving Grey's Anatomy for their own series, the highly anticipated medical drama succeeded in garnering the adults 18-49 demographic on Thursday, September 27.

Season 4's premiere of ABC's Grey's Anatomy garnered an initial 8.7 rating during its 9pm timeslot, thus becoming the highest-rated program of the night. Despite the good results, there has been a 21 percent drop from last year's results. Ugly Betty also suffered a drop, as it only earned 3.8, which was 24 percent lower than last year's. Another ABC drama, Big Shots, earned 4.7, eventually making it one of the highest-rated new series premieres, however lost a big 46 percent of its lead in and further dropped 26 percent in the second half hour.

Entitled "A Change is Gonna Come," the freshman episode of Grey's Anatomy featured the lead characters Meredith Gray (Ellen Pompeo), Christina Yang (Sandra Oh), Izzie Stevens (Katherine Heigl) and Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) begin their second year as residents, who will have to mentor their own interns. George O'Malley (T.R. Knight), on the other hand, failed his intern exam, thus is forced to repeat his internship. His unlucky wife, Callie (Sara Ramirez) then becomes the recipient of all his frustration.

Grey's Anatomy did garner excellent results, however, CBS became the over-all winner that night as the network executives were very pleased despite the criticism they received after their veteran series had declining results.

CSI, Grey's Anatomy's major competitor, earned a whopping 8.0 rating, a four percent hike from last year's rating. Survivor: China, which was the show's lead in, emerged victorious in the 8pm timeslot with 4.6, dropping 8 percent from last week's premiere. Finally at 10pm, Without a Trace leveled the previous season's 4.8.

Another Grey's Anatomy competitor, NBC's The Office, held its own in the house as the special one-hour fourth season premiere leveled it series peak of 5.1, and heightened up 19 percent over its 8:30 premiere last year.


Dienstag, 10. April 2012

So you Built a Fortune in "Stuff"... How to Prevent Burglars from "Liquidating Your Assets" this Christmas - Home - Home Repair

Building your fortune is a very long and hard road for some and quicker for others, but however you got there, the last thing in the world that you want is to see some scumbag burglar target your house at the Christmas crime prime-time and take that all away.

Jaclyn O'Malley of the Reno Gazette-Journal (11/21/2007) says "Crooks know that vehicles and homes will soon be full of Christmas gifts. They also know that some people will abandon their homes around the holidays in favor of a winter vacation paradise. And every season, law enforcement statistics show crimes such as residential burglaries and vehicle thefts slightly increase toward the end of the year."

It's an unfortunate fact that wherever someone is successful, there is a human parasite waiting to deprive them of their success. It may sound cynical, but it is true. When a person has achieved a great deal, criminals see as much opportunity in that person as his or her business partners do.

Although I am an optimistic person, I am also practical. If a burglar were to strip me of my material assets by cleaning out my house while I was on vacation, that would be terrible. However, my family are much more important to me than all the possessions in the world and I will never allow them to be harmed by a burglar who breaks in while they are home. I assume that if you have a family, you feel the same way. That is why I'm writing about some simple physical security measures to protect your hard-earned assets.

Lt. Bob McDonald of Reno police suggests concealing presents and valuables so that they are not easily visible from outside your home. Furthermore, he says "other ways to make a home safer are to increase outdoor lighting, purchase a dog and invest in an alarm system. He also suggested talking to strangers through the door instead of opening it when someone knocks or rings the doorbell." (Reno Gazette-Journal, 11/21/2007)

The idea is that first and foremost, you must not present your home as an easy target ripe for the picking. You can't hide the fact that you live in a beautiful house in a nice neighborhood, but you can certainly make your house the most difficult target in that neighborhood. Even if your house isn't that mansion on the hill, that might be all the more reason why a burglar will choose yours as a target this Christmas. Burglars, like most people, will look for the quickest path to riches. The difference between them and most people is that they will hurt others to obtain their wealth quickly. To prevent them from doing that, we have to become the path of "greatest resistance."

Very few burglars will challenge an alarm system that is used regularly, but skilled burglars will "case" a potential target residence to examine the routines of the inhabitants. If they find that the security system is rarely, if ever, used then the target is as easy as a house without any security system. The same is true for door locks, but I hope that is painfully obvious.

In any case, the safest way to prevent your house from being burglarized this holiday season is with a monitored security system that is used consistently, without fail. Many people shy away from monitored security systems because they believe them to be extremely expensive, but there are some extremely simple and affordable options available. Compare at /

Burglars will also hesitate at the sight or sound of a large dog, and will normally opt for a house with no such deterrent. This is a great secondary line of defense after the locks and alarm system, but large dogs are not in every homeowner's game plan. Small dogs are just about as effective, given the fact that they often have a bark much bigger than their bite. Burglars fear the noise almost as much as the physical threat, particularly when the infiltration attempt is at an odd time of day or night. If a dog of any kind is not an option for you, you might still consider a "beware of dog" sign, but this will only work for the burglar who doesn't do the research to notice that no dog is ever seen outside the house.

There are numerous other options to incrementally improve your home security situation, but try these primary suggestions first. Protect your home perimeter with excellent modern locks and a monitored security system, and then consider additional supplementary measures.


Montag, 9. April 2012

Grey's Anatomy: Busy Year Ahead For Katherine Heigl - Entertainment

Izzie Stevens (Katherine Heigl) of Grey's Anatomy is the woman in charge of her relationship with best friend George O'Malley (T.R. Knight), similar to the way Heigl is in charge of her engagement to singer/songwriter Josh Kelley. The couple are to wed come December, and Kelley seems to be relaxed about it, as Heigl has got the whole thing under control.

"I'm kind of a part of it, but I think she's got a pretty good handle on it," an amused Kelley told People magazine this week. "I said, 'Baby, you know, anything you want me to do, I got it.' But you know, other than that, what am I really gonna do? 'The tulips need to go over here?!' I don't know."

Aside from being an assertive, independent woman, Heigl has also become the new spokeswoman for Nautica. The company is launching their first scent for women, called "My Voyage," which will soon be released at various department stores nationwide.

"To me, it's really fresh and clean and there's something about it you can easily wear during the day," Katherine Heigl said in a press statement. Nautica also teamed up with Coty's, who previously worked with a number of celebrities including Sarah Jessica Parker and Celine Dion.

Heigl is also a pretty busy woman as she will be working on her next movie in April 2008. A romantic comedy, The Ugly Truth will focus on a news producer who hires an obnoxious relationship expert for her show. Because of the expert's teachings, the producer finds the love of her life. The movie will be directed by Robert Luketic, who is responsible for the comedy films Monster-In-Law and Legally Blonde. Heigl already has a hit film up her sleeve entitled Knocked Up, and her upcoming movie 27 Dresses will hit theaters early next year. 27 Dresses also stars James Marsden, Edward Burns, and Melora Hardin, of The Office.


Sonntag, 8. April 2012

Upcoming Episode of Grey's Anatomy Filmed Without Creator's Input - Entertainment

Shonda Rhimes, creator of ABC's highly watched series, Grey's Anatomy, has, from the very start, written for her show, but due to the WGA writers' strike, she has been forced to go with her writing staff to the streets to protest. Despite her absence in the production room, the cast and crew continued with their work and was able to complete an upcoming episode without Rhimes' input.

"[The network] shot it after we walked out," Rhimes said in a conversation with the New York Post on Wednesday, December 12, while she was walking the picket line along with the WGA in front of Paramount Studios in L.A. "That one episode hasn't aired. Everything else we've done has aired."

Rhimes added that she has "never not been in the editing room," and that "it's been a very weird transition" because since the strike began in November 5, she has not written anything for Grey's Anatomy. However, she admits that she is constantly thinking of her show's characters.

Speaking of the show's characters, many of the faces on Grey's Anatomy joined the picket lines that day, as the show's stars were also present and eagerly showing their support for the writers who have also worked hard on the show. However, they admit to feeling the pressures of being out of work.

Katherine Heigl, who plays Dr. Izzie Stevens on Grey's Anatomy, is currently amidst planning her wedding, but with the indefinite outcome of the strike and without any work to do, she has become more conscious of the flow of money from her purse.

"It's starting to get stressful. I'm just try to be as smart [financially] as I can," she admitted. "I'm just trying to save as much as I can."

Sara Ramirez, who plays Callie on the show, also shared some thoughts to the New York Post about how she moved to Los Angeles after living in New York for 14 years to take on her role on the show.

"I moved out here to play this role and now I'm not playing her," Ramirez said, obviously dissatisfied. "[The strike] kind of forces you to take matters into your own hands."

Other celebrities on the picket lines include former Grey's Anatomy actor Isaiah Washington, who was fired from the show after he said some offensive gay slur against T.R. Knight (Dr. George O'Malley). While there, Washington avoided the reporters, but was seen posing for pictures with Justin Chambers, who plays Alex Karev on the show.


Samstag, 7. April 2012

Retailers Staging A Panty Raid - Society

It seems as if lingerie wars will soon be coming to a shopping center near you and will include retailers such as JCPenneys, Target Corporation, Kohl's Corporation, and many others since they have found that under wear is a fashionable trend for women.

As the retailers rush to cash in on the growing fashion trend, they are launching lingerie lines and giving old ones a makeover. These retailers are also redecorating their dressing rooms and offering professional fitting services, while other companies such as Chico's FAS Inc., American Eagle Outfitters Inc., and Charming Shoppes Inc.'s Lane Bryant, have created stand-alone lingerie stores. These retailers are hoping to steal some thunder from Limited Brands Inc.'s Victoria's Secret chain, which has dominated fashion lingerie in the United States for many years.

Lingerie has become only second to handbags as the fastest-growing apparel category on the market, which is why everyone in the retail market are trying to capitalize on its overwhelming growth. Last year in the United States retail sales of intimate apparel rose ten percent to reach over ten billion, which more than double the growth rate in 2005. Helping to drive that growth increase are new technologies and fabrics, which allow for such innovations as laser-cut seamless bras, and the growing fashion appeal of lingerie, particularly among young women.

The intimate-apparel category is appealing to retailers, simply because it has higher profit margins than regular apparel, drives store traffic, and boosts customer loyalty. Some analyst feel that if you solve the bra needs of a woman, then you will have a customer for life, which is basically the truth. Victoria's Secret were the ones that largely created the market for fashionable lingerie in the United States by emulating the lingerie market in Europe. In 1982, Columbus, which is an Ohio-based The Limited bought a handful of Victoria's Secret stores and a catalog at a time when most women in the United States owned a few sets of underwear in beige, black and white.

Many analyst envisioned women buying underwear as they are much more likely to purchase clothing by buying more frequently and choosing among a range of colors and styles. For much of the last twenty years, Victoria's Secret had the market for fashionable lingerie to itself. Brands sold in department stores, such as Maidenform, Vanity Fair, and Bali, have typically appealed to different shoppers as the loyal consumers that tend to have more-conservative tastes. However, the younger and more fickle customers are being lured away by Victoria's Secret, whose clothing apparel has a fashion component.

In the fiscal first quarter that ended on May the fifth, Limited reported its overall net income fell forty-seven percent, which was hurt by profit-eroding markdowns, and said it expects continued weak sales in its Victoria's Secret division. Net sales at the lingerie unit rose almost fifteen percent, while the same store sales closely measured from the revenue from stores that opened at least a year increased two percent. The problems at Victoria's Secret stem in part from recent product launches that did not make as much of a splash as last year's Secret Embrace, a bra fashioned from a single piece of material that has no seams, stitches, or labels. Its teen line, Pink, is battling American Eagle's aerie launched last August.

In February, JCPenneys launched its Ambrielle lingerie collection with a series of smoldering ads during the Academy Awards, and the company predicts the collection could become one of the store's private-labels. Kohl's recently announced it is launching three new lingerie lines this year, while Target has also made changes, redesigning and expanding its private-label Gilligan & O'Malley line, and offering seamless bras and sorbet-colored matching lace bra-and-panty sets, but lingerie was among its weakest sellers last year, according to the company's reports. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. began upgrading its private-label Secret Treasures and plus-size, Just My Size lingerie, a few years ago, plus carrying a fuller range of styles like thongs, in addition to basic brands like Hanes and others.


Freitag, 6. April 2012

20 Interesting and Fun Facts about Ireland - Travel - Destinations

Once upon a time Ireland was only known as the "Island of Saints and Scholars", nowadays, fortunately, we're known for so much more. We have A-list Hollywood actors, world-class pop rock musicians, top authors, Guinness, some of the world's most stunning scenery and even a claim to the White House!

Famous symbols of Ireland...

The harp, also known as the national symbol of Ireland, the Celtic cross, the shamrock and the Irish wolfhound are all well known Irish symbols.


The majority of the Irish population are Roman Catholic (88%).

National language...

Gaelic is Ireland's national language. Only in the Gaeltacht (Irish speaking) areas of Ireland will you find that Irish is used as the everyday language. In all other parts of Ireland, English is the spoken language.

Music...Ireland's most famous musical export would have to be U2, closely followed by The Boomtown Rats, Thin Lizzy and more recently Boyzone and Westlife.

Hollywood factor...The cream of the crop includes Richard Harris, Pierce Brosnan, Cillian Murphy and Colin Farrell.

The world of literature...To our credit, Ireland has produced Bram Stoker, James Joyce, Oscar Wilde, William Butler Yeats, Maeve Binchy and Celia Aherne.

Patron Saint...Saint Patrick, who brought Christianity to Ireland in around 430. St Patrick's Day is celebrated in Ireland, and indeed all over the world, on March 17th.

Our capital - Dublin...Dublin was founded by the Vikings in 988 and was originally called Dubh Linn (which means Black Pool in Irish).

First Saint Patrick's Day parade...Boston was the proud host with an event organised by the Charitable Irish Society in 1737.

The White House...

James Hoban, a Kilkenny born architect, won a competition to design the original White House.

Famous outlaws...Grace O'Malley (Queen of the Pirates) operated off the west coast of Ireland and Ned Kelly (son of an Irish convict) was an infamous Australian outlaw.

Highest mountain...Killarney, County Kerry is home to the highest mountain - Carrantouhill, part of the mountain range the McGillycuddy Reeks.

Longest river...The river Shannon rises in County Cavan and is approximately 240 miles long. It contains 3 lakes, Lough Allen, Lough Ree and Lough Derg.

Irish delicacies...Drisheen is a type of pudding made from cow's, pigs or sheeps blood. White pudding is a mixture of pork, cereal, bread, fat and suet. Periwinkles are sea snails boiled in salted water.


To trip to Ireland would be complete without sampling a pint of the black stuff! It's said that no matter where you go in the world, only in Ireland will you be served the most velvety, and creamiest pint of the "black stuff".

Bailey's Irish Cream...This hugely popular liquor has been around since the '70's.

Irish pubs...

Stumble upon a "trad night", throw in the customary singsong, a bit of Irish dancing and you're in for a crackin' evening!

A sporting nation...Irish people are very passionate about Gaelic games - football, hurling, rounders, handball and camogie. Rugby and soccer are also very well supported in Ireland.

The great outdoors...

The Cavan Way, The Dingle Way and The Kerry Way are just some of the country's scenic walking routes that offer a great opportunity to sample Ireland's breathtaking countryside.

Sense of humour...

There's nothing like the Irish sense of humour, wit and play with words. Have a look at the below examples:

"not backwards in coming forwards" - means a person is not shy.

"no flies on him" - means a person is not easily deceived.

"she has a tongue that would clip a hedge" - means a person who gossips.

"come for a day and stay for a week" - means someone outstaying their welcome.

Just a few facts to ponder over - for a small island we certainly have a lot going for us!


Donnerstag, 5. April 2012

Signs & Symptoms of Plummeting Morale? - Business

We recognize the signs and symptoms when company morale starts to plummet - employees shuffle into work like morose marionettes, pulled only by a string of survival needs. People are showing up late, or not at all, and new ideas are harder to find than a new mortgage from a bank. Sometimes an outrageous or unexpected interruption of the emerging negative pattern is imperative to revitalize the work force. Enter the "pattern interrupt."Patterns of behavior can be interrupted and changed instantaneously. When employees lock into recurring patterns of negative behavior, it may serve them better to have someone interrupt the pattern rather than berate or sympathize with them, which could reinforce the attention they get for acting out that pattern. Pattern interrupts can short-circuit the mental paralysis and inspire a more resourceful, positive state. On March 19, 1998, the storied Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team was sold by the beloved O'Malley family to corporate predator Rupert Murdoch. Named that year by Sports Business Journal as baseball's most successful organization during the 20th century, the Dodgers were a paragon of "family values" as an organization, a very close knit group. It was understandable that everyone in the organization had a massive letdown when Murdoch's marauders usurped the helm. A friend of mine worked in the Dodgers' public relations department, and informed me of how demoralized they were because of the change. Being a Dodger fan and good friend, I faxed over to him the following news memo parody just to interrupt the pattern and bring back some levity to his staff:RUPERT MURDOCH ACQUIRES THE CATHOLIC CHURCHVATICAN CITY. At a press conference today in St. Peter's Square, the Vatican announced that Rupert Murdoch will acquire the Roman Catholic Church in exchange for common stock shares in his media empire. If the deal is approved, it will be the first time a media mogul has acquired a major world religion. Pope Jo hn Paul II will become Senior Vice President of the company's new religion division. "We anticipate tremendous growth in the religious telecommunications market for the next decade," said Mr. Murdoch. "The additional resources of the Catholic Church will allow us to make religion easier and more accessible for a wider audience of people. Through our telecommunications systems, we will make the sacraments available via satellite for the first time...through new interactive media, you can confess your sins, obtain absolution, and reduce your time in purgatory, all without leaving the comfort of your own home." Mr. Murdoch added that he intends to give the church a racier look for broad public appeal.According to my friend, the memo made its way around the office and reinstated the family spirit. They resolved to maintain solidarity in the face of any changes that were not deemed beneficial to the organization. Given the number of mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers running am ok, sometimes it requires a bit of cheekiness to break a negative pattern and regain perspective. Go Dodgers!


Mittwoch, 4. April 2012

Learn to download Grey's Anatomy TV show - Entertainment - Television

Grey's Anatomy is one of the very popular medical dramas aired on American television. Since its debut, series has being doing well and it has secured a huge fan base around the world. Everyday thousands of people come to internet to download and watch online Grey's Anatomy episodes.

Talking about the storyline of Grey's Anatomy- series made its debut on March 27, 2005 on the ABC Network. Set in the Seattle Grace Hospital, a fast-paced infirmary, Grey's Anatomy shows the personal as well as professional lives of doctors and interns working hard to save the lives of the patients and esteem of the Hospital. Among the most important characters of series are Meredith Grey, Cristina Yang, Isobel "Izzie" Stevens, George O'Malley and Richard Webber etc. Grey's Anatomy has been announced to return with the sixth season on September 24, 2009.

Being one of the very popular shows, Grey's Anatomy has always attracted the internet marketers. Thus, thousands of websites promise to offer the complete seasons of Grey's Anatomy.

Whenever we like any TV show, we love to collect all episodes of the show. Normally, people follow two ways to do so- either go to internet to download Grey's Anatomy episodes or purchase the DVDs.

If you are thinking to go with the second option, let me tell you that it's not the very beneficial one. First of all, buying a DVD would cost more than downloading and watching online TV shows. Secondly, you can't collect your favorite episodes of Grey's Anatomy or any other TV show as DVDs usually come in the form of complete seasons. And, the most important issue is that DVDs are released months later the original airings of any TV show. So, you would have to wait for a long time to have the whole collection with you. Also, take care that DVDs are not available for the old TV shows. So, give away the idea of DVDs and turn to downloading. As previously mentioned, thousands of websites promise to provide the stuff of your choice but you have to select one. Which website it would be? Google, Yahoo and the search engine of your interest would tell so.

Steps you need to follow when you have to download Grey's Anatomy, are:

1.Type the name of the show such as download Grey's Anatomy in the search bar of the search engine.

2.Within seconds only, you'll find thousands of websites offering the same stuff.3.Some websites would promise to provide free Grey's Anatomy. My recommendation is that never go with those websites. 4.Instead, go with membership websites. Why? First of all, those website provide the quality stuff with very high speed and secondly, never affect your PC with any spy ware and all.

5.Choose the type of the membership among several available e.g. limited membership and lifetime membership. Each mode of membership comes with its own characteristics and features. The most preferred lifetime membership authenticates you to get an access to download unlimited TV shows throughout your life-span, just by paying one time charges only. On the other hand, limited membership gives a limited access to limited TV shows.

Though people say that downloading TV shows is an easy chore, you would come to know the reality only when you would delve into the matter. The article has explained some of the tricks smartly so you can know go ahead can download and watch Grey's Anatomy online.


Dienstag, 3. April 2012

Choosing a Home Security Monitor - Home - Home Security

Every day the American people hear stories of other commonplace, ordinary people being attacked and even murdered in their own homes. It's easy to understand why a lot of people have fears for their own safety and that of their families. "Did you hear that someone broke into Joe's house last night and bashed him in the head with a baseball bat?"or "Isn't it sad about Mrs. O'Malley being murdered in her own bed?" Why is it we just ignore the warnings and go about our lives until we're awakened one night by heavy footsteps in our living room...

Make a list of all the things you've been putting off doing around home. Then prioritize the items you wrote down. I'll bet that home security is near the top of the list. So let's not put it off any longer. Now's a great time to get in the car and go visit a home security store and purchase your home security monitor. You'll love the sense of peace and safety it will give you.

Think about how serenely and soundly you'll sleep knowing that your home security monitor is watching over you all. If someone should try to open a door or window, your security system will detect it and set off an alarm. Your monitoring system will call you immediately. All in all, you'll have such a ruckus going on that no self-respecting intruder is going to stick around waiting for you to show up.

You don't need an expensive, highly-technical home security monitor to give you the features you need to protect your home. Look in your local phone book for home security companies you can call and ask about the models they have available. If they're like most salespeople, they'll give you a ton of free advice and probably mail you some free brochures which will answer more of your questions. Checking Out Some Different Brands

Since consumer demand has gotten so high regarding home security equipment, more and more companies have begun producing more and more brands. Add that to all of the different styles, systems, and options available in each of those brands, and the sheer magnitude can boggle the mind. But don't let the dilemma drive you crazy. Instead of looking at everything you see, only choose a few to concentrate on.

Before you start your quest for the perfect home security monitor, establish your budget. Then you can narrow your choices down to those you can afford. Remember, too, to think of buying your monitor like you would approach buying a new car. You might look at the high-priced, fancy sports cars that boast every amenity, but do you really need a car like that?

Price is not the main issue when buying a home security monitor, although it's always best to go with what you can afford. Any monitor you install will help make your home that much safer. Between your monitor and the common sense safety practices you've always used, you'll be able to call your home your castle.


Montag, 2. April 2012

Movie reviews The Great Buck Howard - Entertainment

The title lead character is played by the superb John Malkovich as the mentalist Buck Howard, you learn early on he hates the name magician, as he believes it dilutes what he does.

It stars Colin Hanks(The House Bunny) as Troy Gable a law undergraduate who is uninterested in his current vocation, and is looking for that spark in life, much to the dismay of his well meaning father. When you first see Colin Hanks there is something strangely familiar about him, and viola in comes Tom hanks and it clicks that they are real life father and son, playing father and son in this movie.

Coincidences places Troy as a personal assistant to Buck Howard, who has a series of peculiarities that has driven his previous assistant Alan Berkman (Adam Scott, Knocked Up) eager to leave in a rage, leaving only Troy, Buck's effervescent manager Gil Bellamy played amicably by Ricky Jay(Redbelt) and the brother and sister team in charge of his venue Kenny played by the hilarious Steve Zahn(Bandidas) and Doreen played by the affectionate Debra Monk(Mrs O'Malley in Grey's Aanatomy). The audience as well as Troy are left rooting for Buck regardless of his peculiarities and when things don't go as planned you feel it as much as his personal assistant.

It is a lovely movie most will enjoy, and of course the customary love interest is provided by Valeria Brennan played by the superb Emily Blunt(The Devil wears Prada, Something about her eyes reminds me of Bambi).

The character of Buck Howard was based on The Amazing Kesring, who's fantastic mentalist trick the great Buck Howard recreates was never duplicated or revealed.

One of the classic lines in the movie revealing the humor of the Buck Howard, he asks an attendant to get him a glass of water, the attendant points to water already in the room to which Buck replies "That there is distilled water, I am not an iron get me spring water."


Sonntag, 1. April 2012

Los Angeles Dodgers Playoff Tickets - Sports - Baseball

The official major league baseball team of Los Angeles is the Dodgers. They belong to the Western Division of the league. The team was established as early as 1883 with New York as its first hometown. Technically speaking, it was the Los Angeles Dodgers that started to commercialize baseball. When the team was formed in the late 1800, amateur baseball leagues have gained popularity amongst the people who loved the game.

The Dodgers got its name from the Brooklyn nickname "trolley dodger". This term refers to anybody from Brooklyn, New York, because they tend to dodge the trains and the cars on the borough as they try to play on the streets. Initially, the team was known as the Brooklyn Trolley Dodgers.

The archrivals of the Dodgers are the Giants. And their rivalry can be traced way back centuries ago. The Dodgers and the Giants are both from New York. If the Dodgers are from Brooklyn, the Giants are from Manhattan. They practically have the whole state torn apart. When the teams were transported from New York to California, the rivalry was merely transplanted. In 1958, the Dodgers became the seeds from Los Angeles while the Giants represented San Francisco.

But before being the Los Angeles Dodgers as they are known today, the team was named the Brooklyn Robins in the early 1900's. This is because of team manager Wilbert Robinson who had restored the team's reputation in the league. He did so by motivating the team to reach the World Series in the years 1916 and 1920.

Wilbert Robinson was replaced by Max Carey when he retired in 1931. The team was almost named as the Brooklyn Canaries then, which was after Carey this time, whose last name was really Carnarius. However, that didn't happen. Instead, their original name Brooklyn Dodgers was restored.

During the 1930's, the Dodgers were even more determined to rebuild the team and become strong contenders to the title. Larry MacPhail, the Dodger's general manager during that time, was joined by Branch Rickey in forming a team that is composed by Jackie Robinson, Gil Hodges, Pee Wee Reese, Roy Campanella, Carl Furillo, and Duke Snider. All together, they won five pennants from 1941 to 1953. However, they were beaten by another New York team, the Yankees, in all of those series. The resilient team and the eager fans never lost hope though. And with their eyes on their goal, their slogan became "Wait til next year!" The "next year" came in 1955, when the Dodgers beat the Bronx Bombers to obtain the much awaited championship title.

When Walter O'Malley gained majority ownership of the team in 1950, he started thinking of buying a land in Brooklyn to build a stadium that is way better and more accessible than the Ebbets Field where the Dodgers are playing. Being a real estate businessman, he tried to look for the most suitable place until he decided that the piece of land that he needs exactly is not in Brooklyn. That is when he started to consider Los Angeles, California.