It is very likely that if you are between the ages 12 and 62, you've tried meeting girls online. And if one study is to be believed, it's fairly easy to see why: Researchers at the University of Texas found out that 30 percent of women who meet a man online end up sleeping together on their first sex dating encounter.
However, scoring chicks online is never easy. You put in loads of man-hours going through profiles, the conversations can be painful, and when you can't read body language and facial expressions, there's lots of room for miscommunication. One mistake could spell danger to an all-night sexathon. So to guarantee that your next online foray leads to offline sex dating, our girls have shared which virtual moves get them all hot and turned on.
Pimp your profile
According to a survey conducted by an online dating site, men who don't smile on their photos, and who look slightly off to the side rather than directly at the camera, receive the most messages from women on the site. A big grin can look goofy, and women are more likely to be drawn to a guy who looks distant and mysterious. Women tend to fantasize about them like portraying a spy when in bed.
If you don't have that sexy scowl to show off, you can shine through the written part of your profile. Most women say that best ones are those that describe you sans the clich. Try to stand out.
Look for the easy mark
With an overwhelming population of women online, how do you find a sure thing? According to statistics, you're most likely to succeed with an older woman who ranks around a seven in looks. Guys tend to go after the tens, while passing off fairly hot women who are just waiting in the wings. These women are more likely to connect with you given the chance.
Similarly, girls in their 30s and 40s are an untapped well of horniness. Men are more focused on hooking up with women younger than them, but little do they know that older women are more sexual.
Woo her
If you're rearing to e-hit on that hot girl you just met, the least you can do is put a coherent sentence together. Avoid using too much emoticons, Netspeak and poor spelling.
One surprising thing to avoid doing when making first contact is complimenting her hotness. Give praise to her personality or interests, but never on her looks. Try gleaning some information from her profile and tell a story relating to what you find out. Remember, the sexiest organ of the body is the brain try stimulating that, and you won't be disappointed.
It is very likely that if you are between the ages 12 and 62, youve tried meeting girls online. And if one study is to be believed, its fairly easy to see why: Researchers at the University of Texas found out that 30 percent of women who meet a man online end up sleeping together on their first sex dating encounter.
However, scoring chicks online is never easy. You put in loads of man-hours going through profiles, the conversations can be painful, and when you cant read body language and facial expressions, theres lots of room for miscommunication. One mistake could spell danger to an all-night sexathon. So to guarantee that your next online foray leads to offline sex dating, our girls have shared which virtual moves get them all hot and turned on.
Pimp your profile
According to a survey conducted by an online dating site, men who dont smile on their photos, and who look slightly off to the side rather than directly at the camera, receive the most messages from women on the site. A big grin can look goofy, and women are more likely to be drawn to a guy who looks distant and mysterious. Women tend to fantasize about them like portraying a spy when in bed.
If you dont have that sexy scowl to show off, you can shine through the written part of your profile. Most women say that best ones are those that describe you sans the clich. Try to stand out.
Look for the easy mark
With an overwhelming population of women online, how do you find a sure thing? According to statistics, youre most likely to succeed with an older woman who ranks around a seven in looks. Guys tend to go after the tens, while passing off fairly hot women who are just waiting in the wings. These women are more likely to connect with you given the chance.
Similarly, girls in their 30s and 40s are an untapped well of horniness. Men are more focused on hooking up with women younger than them, but little do they know that older women are more sexual.
Woo her
If youre rearing to e-hit on that hot girl you just met, the least you can do is put a coherent sentence together. Avoid using too much emoticons, Netspeak and poor spelling.
One surprising thing to avoid doing when making first contact is complimenting her hotness. Give praise to her personality or interests, but never on her looks. Try gleaning some information from her profile and tell a story relating to what you find out. Remember, the sexiest organ of the body is the brain"try stimulating that, and you wont be disappointed.
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