Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2012

The Benefits of Online Sex Dating - Relationships - Dating

It is very likely that if you are between the ages 12 and 62, you've tried meeting girls online. And if one study is to be believed, it's fairly easy to see why: Researchers at the University of Texas found out that 30 percent of women who meet a man online end up sleeping together on their first sex dating encounter.

However, scoring chicks online is never easy. You put in loads of man-hours going through profiles, the conversations can be painful, and when you can't read body language and facial expressions, there's lots of room for miscommunication. One mistake could spell danger to an all-night sexathon. So to guarantee that your next online foray leads to offline sex dating, our girls have shared which virtual moves get them all hot and turned on.

Pimp your profile

According to a survey conducted by an online dating site, men who don't smile on their photos, and who look slightly off to the side rather than directly at the camera, receive the most messages from women on the site. A big grin can look goofy, and women are more likely to be drawn to a guy who looks distant and mysterious. Women tend to fantasize about them like portraying a spy when in bed.

If you don't have that sexy scowl to show off, you can shine through the written part of your profile. Most women say that best ones are those that describe you sans the clich. Try to stand out.

Look for the easy mark

With an overwhelming population of women online, how do you find a sure thing? According to statistics, you're most likely to succeed with an older woman who ranks around a seven in looks. Guys tend to go after the tens, while passing off fairly hot women who are just waiting in the wings. These women are more likely to connect with you given the chance.

Similarly, girls in their 30s and 40s are an untapped well of horniness. Men are more focused on hooking up with women younger than them, but little do they know that older women are more sexual.

Woo her

If you're rearing to e-hit on that hot girl you just met, the least you can do is put a coherent sentence together. Avoid using too much emoticons, Netspeak and poor spelling.

One surprising thing to avoid doing when making first contact is complimenting her hotness. Give praise to her personality or interests, but never on her looks. Try gleaning some information from her profile and tell a story relating to what you find out. Remember, the sexiest organ of the body is the brain try stimulating that, and you won't be disappointed.

It is very likely that if you are between the ages 12 and 62, youve tried meeting girls online. And if one study is to be believed, its fairly easy to see why: Researchers at the University of Texas found out that 30 percent of women who meet a man online end up sleeping together on their first sex dating encounter.

However, scoring chicks online is never easy. You put in loads of man-hours going through profiles, the conversations can be painful, and when you cant read body language and facial expressions, theres lots of room for miscommunication. One mistake could spell danger to an all-night sexathon. So to guarantee that your next online foray leads to offline sex dating, our girls have shared which virtual moves get them all hot and turned on.

Pimp your profile

According to a survey conducted by an online dating site, men who dont smile on their photos, and who look slightly off to the side rather than directly at the camera, receive the most messages from women on the site. A big grin can look goofy, and women are more likely to be drawn to a guy who looks distant and mysterious. Women tend to fantasize about them like portraying a spy when in bed.

If you dont have that sexy scowl to show off, you can shine through the written part of your profile. Most women say that best ones are those that describe you sans the clich. Try to stand out.

Look for the easy mark

With an overwhelming population of women online, how do you find a sure thing? According to statistics, youre most likely to succeed with an older woman who ranks around a seven in looks. Guys tend to go after the tens, while passing off fairly hot women who are just waiting in the wings. These women are more likely to connect with you given the chance.

Similarly, girls in their 30s and 40s are an untapped well of horniness. Men are more focused on hooking up with women younger than them, but little do they know that older women are more sexual.

Woo her

If youre rearing to e-hit on that hot girl you just met, the least you can do is put a coherent sentence together. Avoid using too much emoticons, Netspeak and poor spelling.

One surprising thing to avoid doing when making first contact is complimenting her hotness. Give praise to her personality or interests, but never on her looks. Try gleaning some information from her profile and tell a story relating to what you find out. Remember, the sexiest organ of the body is the brain"try stimulating that, and you wont be disappointed.

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Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2012

THE FIRST DATE: Who's Most Likely to Kiss on First Date - Have Sex? - Relationships - Dating

In the 21st Century dating scene, questions asked about "The First Date" represent a wide variety of personal values and expectations, say

The online romance advice site, in fielding questions to its relationship experts, has discovered that modern daters of all ages have a range of expectations and values.

Users of dating services that have Christian, senior, interracial and Latin (especially Mexican) clients are basically seeking love and commitment. They ask questions like "Should we kiss on the first date?"

While those who access smartphone dating services are more actively seeking sex, rather than love.

A new survey conducted by polling firm Zoomerang for dating website, found 62% of singles questioned who use Android devices, have had sex on a first date, compared with 57% of iPhone users and 48% of BlackBerry users.

The survey was headed by's "Relationship Insider" Kimberly Moffit, who revealed that 75% of Canadian singles believe e-mail and texting have significantly improved their dating life. "More so than zodiac signs or astrology, smart phones are the new way Canadian singles can decode their dating style and determine if they've met their match," explained Ms Moffit.

The survey playfully broke down the cellphone Daters into three groups.

1) iPhone Users: The Office Romantic ** iPhone addicts are the most likely to date someone in their workplace. Nearly a quarter of iPhone singles have had an office romance in the last five years. ** After a first date, iPhone users wait just one day to reach out, while Android or BlackBerry users will wait until after 2- or 3 dates.

2) BlackBerry Users: The Drunk Dialer ** If you're dating a BlackBerry fan, look for candles and wine. BlackBerry users are most likely to drink alcohol on a first date - 72% will have a drink -- wine, mixed drinks, cocktails or beer -- on the first date. ** A staggering 67% of BlackBerry users say they have experienced "love at first sight."

3) Android Users: The Seducer ** Android users are most likely to be seduced on a first date. 62% of Android singles say they've engaged in sexual activity on the first or second date, compared to 57 per cent of iPhone users and 48 percent of BlackBerry users. ** Out of all smart phone users, Android fans, at 55%, are most likely to have a one-night stand. ** 72% of Android fans have visited an online dating site, compared to 58% of iPhone users and 50% of Blackberry users.


Now that Facebook has gone public, the rising popularity and power of social networking in all its formats is catching on fire. Revenues have grown at a torrid pace. Online dating remains one of its hottest sectors. The total market size for online dating is now in excess of $1.0 Billion and comprises large and small players that appeal to customers based on specific niches such as age, religion, sexual orientation, geographic location, income, cultural heritage, and others.

When writing about the continued rise in popularity and usage of online dating sites, Ben Axler, Managing Partner and co-founder of Spruce Point Capital Management, posted,

"Snap Interactive, Inc. (STVI.OB) is the leading provider of social dating and location-based applications built on Facebook and accessible through the company's website and mobile platforms for the Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) iPhone and Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) Android. Their core dating brand is 'Are YOU Interested?' which has over 55 million user installations."

"Why has online matchmaking become so successful? The advantages for the user are numerous and include:

1) Allows for targeted searches for matches along numerous physical and personal dimensions and qualities; 2) Reduces search time for increasingly time-constrained people; 3) Expands people's dating pool beyond traditional social circles; 4) Facilitates indications of romantic interest and minimizes potential embarrassment from rejection; 5) Promotes a secure and safe way to screen potential matches; and 6) Saves money through free browsing of potential matches, and cost-effective membership plans for subscribers.", in the release about its survey, said, "Thanks to social networking and online dating, our love lives and our digital lives have never been more intertwined."

In concluding, they had a few cautions about dating in this high-tech environment: don't get distracted by your cellphone while on a date; don't be too quick to make your new love interest a Facebook friend; don't use a social network to introduce your new mate to friends and family; and sometimes actually call the person rather than sending email or texts. concluded: "If you are seeking a lasting relationship or life companion, you should join dating sites using your computer, where you will meet thousands of potential mates anonymously -- and can proceed to meet those who attract you more cautiously, using secure email and video chat."


As a therapist and relationship expert, I have seen a sea change in the way body image is perceived in modern society. Big Beautiful Women, Supersize Women and Big Handsome Men are increasingly accepted.

The greatest increase in online dating in 2012 is the Seniors Dating, Christian Relationships, Lesbian dating and, greatest of all, Interracial dating (especially between Black and White singles) categories. As the folks at well know.

- Kate



1. Sex on first date more likely for Android users- Your smartphone reveals your dating behaviour, survey indicates, CBC News, online at //

2. Snap Interactive: Facebook's Fast Growing And Most Undervalued Social Media Company, Ben Axler, online at //

3. Relationship Help and Advice. is a free online dating tips site. Virtual assistant for advice & top dating sites for love and romance. Online at


Relationships: Dating


Copyright 2012 by Kathleen Falken. This Article may be freely emailed, copied and distributed subject to inclusion of this copyright notice and active links.

Tags: the first date, youtube first date, first date letra, after first date, first date quotes, kiss first date, seeking love and commitment, best first date, due date calculator, first kiss, good first date,, Android, Blackberry, droid, iOS, iPhone, poptop, Apple, Google, HP,

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Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012

For those with a strong sex drive - Relationships

For those with a strong sex drive, but wanted sex to be more than just animal lust free sex movies offer a colorful bunch assortments.Success on the bed I had known her a few years now, but had never thought of doing it with her. Recently I had seen a great bunch free6 videos and they seemed to drive me to her. Then one night she invited me to his place and took me straight to the shower, where she reached up and kissed me when I washed her pussy and her ass.She dried me and when she finished I picked her up and carried her to bed. I slowly began to kiss her inner thighs and worked my way up to her pussy, nibbling it lovingly, and her moans told me I did well. She was the first time and she just moaned loudly and shook under my hands.However second time she climaxed, she called my name and asked me not to quit. Next I moved between her legs and gently and slowly slid my cock into this big hole. "Please F *** Me long and hard!" I did as I was commanded.I could feel her vagi na pulse around my cock when I came, I do not want to stop but after a while my cock decided that they wanted to rest. We drifted apart and then she lay on my chest and we slept for a while. I woke up later to her suck my dick, getting it hard. But there is another story.Teen six, I was online and watch free movies, which I liked a lot and it reminded me of a class fellow in the school. I could not get her off my mind, but she always said she wanted to be a virgin for her husband.Suddenly free6 this film gave me a big virgin idea, as I told her the next morning, and she agreed immediately. The moment we were alone in the room, she reached over and took some lubricant and spread it on my dick.Then she rolled over and said, "Put some in my ass and then f ** k the shit out of it, I want you to cum inside me there "she directed. So we both would have sex and she will not lose it too. So I rolled over on her, as gently as I could I fcuked that tight little ass just as long and as hard as I could.As I fcuked her ass I reached around and played with her breasts until she was about to climax. When she did that climax I came in her ass! She buried her head in the pillow and screamed "Yes, oh that's good, I want to remember for the rest of my life that you were my rear step it for at least one night," she said cheerfully.

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Montag, 28. Mai 2012

Sex Addiction Therapy: The Efficacy of 12-Step Programs - Self Help

How Fellowship HealsSex addicts need to substitute people for their sexual acting out. For those who choose it, 12-step meetings do this in abundance. The groups offer many individuals who care, who have similar stories and do not tire of hearing new ones. Because of this caring and support, members in the group may be able to gently confront the addict with his maladaptive defenses of denial, rationalization and magical thinking without inflicting new wounds upon the self. The impulse-controlling capacity of these other individuals is gradually internalized and becomes a part of the self-governing structure of the self. The group itself, as a consistent, caring object also may be internalized. Over time, the psychological wounds of growing up in a dysfunctional family can be repaired through the acquisition of a new family that provides the empathic soothing and caring that was missing in early childhood. Sex addiction groups, -- with their regularity and predictability, their repetitive slogans, and their structure, provide a certain order -- a system --even a ritual, which can be used by the addict in the development of internalized self-governing structures.Learning to Talk about FeelingsA mark of the addictive experience is a sense of overwhelm when faced with intense feelings for which language is inadequate. A 12-step meeting offers a series of lessons in using language to represent the self. The basic format of the meeting is that people gather to speak of themselves and listen to others speak about themselves. This provides a powerful experience in modeling how to use language to express feelings and experience, as well as a reduction in shame. In this way, what was once felt to be unutterable is formulated into words which then de-fuse overwhelming feelings. There is a certain type of control within the individual personality which can have its source only outside of the personality - the moral principles advocated by a closely knit solitary group - and can only be made effective against self-centered, gratification-oriented impulses by an involuntary feeling of belongingness and allegiance to such a group. The unembarrassed acknowledgment of the need for participation in a caring community without ulterior motives, one which accepts the individual totally for what he is, is the linchpin upon which the 12-step process is based. The self of a sex addict cannot exist as a solitary structure; its survival and value require participation in a social structure or community. The development of a true self is always participating with others in its realization and fulfillment .This is the beginning of the "unfreezing" of the developmental arrest and becomes an adaptive substitute for the destructive, maladaptive addiction. But it is only the beginning. The passage from infantile narcissism to emotional maturity and full humanity is ultimately accomplished by consistent immersion in working the 12 steps.How th e Steps Heal Step 1: We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmanageable. The admission of powerlessness over the one's addiction is the first defeat of infantile egoism, a first step in the assumption of responsibility. The conviction that one can no longer engage in one's addiction becomes an inarguable truth. Denial breaks down as the addict increasingly sees that to give way to the impulse to "pick up" has far-reaching and devastating consequences.The addict comes to terms with the essential paradox: you have to lose to win. The term "surrender" permeates step work. There are two facets of this concept in the first step. The first "surrender", and surely the most significant, is this deep conviction that one is powerless over one's addiction. One surrenders to the reality that one can never act on the impulse to "pick up", "One Day at a Time". This truth becomes an incontrovertible fact as recovery progresses. The second facet is that the addict is really surrendering his sense of uniqueness. As one admits powerlessness, one no longer expects the world to conform to one's own egocentric beliefs. The first step is a step toward "living life on life's terms". It is making a decision that one is no longer driven by the desire for pleasure and is willing to be open to accepting and coping with reality. Step 2: Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. An openness to the possibility that a higher power exists necessitates developing boundaries over an egoistic perception of reality. From a psychological developmental perspective, more immature levels of personality structure are egoistic in nature. All things seem related to oneself, a condition that prevents the individual from seeing others for who they really are. Rather, others are seen as extensions of oneself, making it impossible for the individual to have anything but a self-centered point of view. The realization and acceptance of some power (it need not be religious or even spiritual) greater than one's egoistic pursuits puts in motion the abandonment of a grandiose posture. One no longer expects the world to conform to one's own needs and wants. Rather, one learns to live "Life on Life's Terms".Step 3: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understand Him. This step suggests that another "surrender" be considered. It is the surrender of one's own willfulness in the decision-making process. When left to their own devises, individuals make decisions based only on their ego-centric motives and ways of seeing the world. The step suggests a less self-driven version of reality which leads one to consider one's powerlessness over many of the events that occur in one's life.Step 3 sparks a renewal of trust in living and a loosening of ego-dominated self-sufficiency. Doing the work of this step requires an understanding and acceptance of paradoxical thinkin g. Prior to recovery, the addict focuses intensely upon control issues. Controlling use of the drug, controlling the amount of damage caused by the using, and controlling emotional distance to minimize vulnerability, held exclusive sway over the addict's consciousness. Step 3 encourages a more passive mode of letting go by surrendering and allowing events to unfold without futile attempts to control outcomes. Step 4: Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. This step represents the attempt to review one's life in as a meticulous and forthright way as possible, listing the action and choices that have caused guilt and shame in oneself, and harm to others. The process of emotional development involves a degree of self-knowledge and self-awareness. This step is an opportunity for the addict to see repetitive cognitions and behaviors that inhibit this process of growth. When one sees the contribution that these "character defects" have made in one's own misery , the process of projection onto other people and external events for unwanted inner states is reduced. The focus is on the self and not the faults of others. The addict can't help but accept responsibility for his life, a crucial step on the movement towards maturity. The presence of the word "moral" needs special consideration. When the Dr.Jeckyll/Mr.Hyde split occurs in a sex addict, the person "dissociates" and, in a manner not dissimilar to multiple personality disorder, becomes two people. The addict has his "normal" life and his "secret" life. The Dr.Jeckyll side of the personality has one set of values, goals and beliefs, and the Mr.Hyde side has a completely different set. I understand the despair, remorse and regret that follows an episode of acting out (When Dr. Jeckyll returns) as the realization that one has betrayed one's own values and moral injunctions. Step 5: Admitted to ourselves, God, and another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.The words "sex a ddict" and "secrecy" are almost synonymous. The addict carries the weight of the knowledge of what occurs in his "secret" world. If he shared the "secret" with another person, he would, in his mind, be condemned to hell. He believes he'd be despised. A diminishing sense of self esteem contributes to a sense of isolation and alienation. With the 5th Step, the secret is out. The ability to know and accept oneself in the presence of complete disclosure to another recovering addict is very freeing. One can let down one's defensive armor and have more of a sense of ease with oneself and the world. The recovering person, in revealing the content of their inventory to another, defuses feelings of guilt and shame. Another significance of this step is the movement from isolation, fear and mistrust of others begins to crumble as the interpersonal immersion in a caring community begins. Step 6: Became willing to have these defects removed. From a psychological standpoint, an attitude o f "willingness" is essential to the process of growth. Again, it puts the person in a less ego-centric stance. It also conveys a breaking down of rigid defense mechanisms that may have worked to survive a frightening, unstable childhood but have now outlived their usefulness and, in fact, contributes to the addict's here-and-now problems in living. Step 7: Humbly asked Him to remove these shortcomings. Humility is a word much- discussed in 12-step meetings. The posture of humility allows a person to quell ceaseless self-preoccupation and opens him/her up to having a sense of awe in the moment-to-moment awareness of life, nature, God and fellow human beings. Humility also suggests a turning-point in personality development from the illusion of self-sufficiency to having an interdependent view of relating to others. Step 7 is the beginning of understanding that character building and remaining close to essential values is more important than chasing the high. I quote from the book "Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions" (Alcoholics Anonymous Worldwide): "We never thought of making honesty, tolerance and true love of man and God the daily basis of living. We sought to gain a vision of humility as the avenue to true freedom of the human spirit." Having a humble approach, along with the admission of powerlessness, leads to a softening of childish demands for immediate gratification. Step 8: Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to the all. The quality of inter-personal relationships is a mark of a person's stability and ability to live comfortably with one's fellows. Here we again come across the word "willingness", implying a deeper insight into the self as carrying responsibility for repetitive, unsatisfying personal relationships. It is only by letting go of resentment of the real or imagined harms done by others and focusing on what can be changed in oneself that the personality becomes less emotionally vulnera ble, less reactive and more stable. Step 9: Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. This is another deeply liberating step. After amends have been made, there are no reasons that one has to hide from the world for past deeds. Those we have harmed and avoided out of shame have an exaggerated power over us. The step implies a readiness to take the consequences of past behavior, which is important in developing new modes of being in the world. It is an essential step in the development of a self and other orientation to living.Step 10: Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.

The development of better coping skills in dealing with the vicissitudes of daily living is the psychological underpinning of this step. When thrown off emotional balance by people or new events, the process of taking a quick inventory, admitting to errors in the now and forgiving, or at least tolerating, the imperfections of others is a sign of a stable person who has developed a new way of dealing with reality.Practice of Step 10 releases one from the need to be right, a truly liberating way of operating in the world. Step 11: Sought through prayer and meditation a conscious contact with God as we understood him, praying only for knowledge of His will and the power to carry it out. Research has consistently shown the psychological and physical benefits of prayer and meditation. The person in recovery discovers that he is not a victim of his own mind and that he does have power over the state of his inner life. Meditative techniques have a powerful influence in reducing t he anxiety that underlies most addictive behaviors. The individual can generate a sense of calm, focus and direction. Psychologically, the 11th Step is a means for even deeper insight into one's motives and needs. Recovering people are often befuddled about "knowledge of His will". It would seem to me that it is not God's will, or anybody's will, that the addict return to using. It's probable that God's will includes not living a self-centered, self-serving life. Perhaps God's will includes living a moral life, consistent with one's deepest values and beliefs. From a psychological standpoint, it is a conscious contact with our higher selves -- the best part of who we really are. Step 12: Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics and to practice these principles in all our affairs. The inherent values of care for others, unconditional love, and genuine, honest relating is the core of the recovery process, a proce ss that produces a mature personality. Successful application of this step would seem to define the essence of emotional maturity. Maturity connotes having an authentic self that has been able to develop adequate coping skills; a sense of "agency" of the self that had been lost to the addiction; the ability to tolerate emotional pain with the knowledge that all internal states are transitory; the development of healthy inter-personal relationships, and a sense of purpose in living. In summary, the addictive experience is marked by inter-personal difficulties and problems with isolation, self-esteem, impulse control, lack of self-regulation among other symptoms. The problematic dimensions of the addictive experience are addressed through the structure of "S" meetings. The program, including the steps, provides cognitive strategies, compensatory mechanisms and intra/interpersonal resources to assist the addict in successfully negotiating the vicissitudes of human living and st aying sober for good purpose. ReferencesSachs, Kenneth S. Treating Alcoholism as a Disorder of the Self: Insights from Alcoholics Anonymous and MastersonAlcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 1544-4538, Volume 21, Issue 2, 2003, Pages 75 - 85 Hopson, Ronald E. and Beaird-Spiller Beth. Why AA Works :A Psychological Analysis of the Addictive Experience and the Efficacy of Alcoholics Anonymous

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Sonntag, 27. Mai 2012

Cinnamon, Sex, and Sexism in Society - News - Current Affairs

Cinnamon has been popular for four thousand years and sex even longer but both have taken on new applications in America's schools and society.

The "cinnamon challenge" now supplements "planking" as a dumb new student fad, teachers having sex with students now supplements their salaries, and courts show that sexism is alive and well.

Heretofore, cinnamon had been used primarily as a diet aid and as a flavorful spice for buns and other desserts until kids discovered that snorting a teaspoon of it could be fun, if you consider gagging, coughing, and vomiting fun.

New Haven's Clinton Avenue School Principal Carmen Ana Rodriquez must enjoy watching fun things since she permitted a student to engage in the dangerous challenge in her cafeteria. Trying to swallow a load of powdered cinnamon can result in damage to the lungs when it is accidentally inhaled.

It's not known whether the student-probably a boy-suffered respiratory difficulties as a result but Rodriquez was turned in and placed on paid administrative leave.

The damage caused to students by teachers seducing them can also be irreparable, not that some teachers are discouraged by that fact.

Three examples in just the last week: A Los Angeles teacher has been charged with molesting some 23 kids, another California teacher molested a 7 year old and recorded the molestation on his cellphone, a Reno teacher admitted to commiting a variety of sex acts on seven students and virtually got away with it.

If nothing else, unmarried Miramonte Elementary School teacher Mark Berndt, 61, must be given credit for his perverted perseverance and creativity. Arrested and held on $ 2.3 million bail for molesting 23 girls and boys ages 6-10, he was charged with committing lewd acts after a film processor showed authorities 40 disturbing pictures.

The photos depicted Berndt with his arm around blindfolded kids whose mouths were taped or had his hand over them, some children with giant cockroaches on their faces, some girls were being fed what apparently was sperm on cookies.

Almost 400 additional pictures of children were found after a search of Berndt's home and classroom as well as an adult sexual bondage DVD. Los Angeles Unified School Dirtrict Superintendent John Deasy said he was "sickened and horrified by the behavior of Mark Berndt."

What's almost more sickening and horrifying is that over the course of the 30 years Berndt taught at Miramonte no one noticed he was a weirdo. Was he that clever in concealing his proclivities or did lax supervision enable him?

Freedom Elementary School teacher Neng Yang may not have been as prolific in his picture taking as Mark Berndt but he was caught anyway.

In a sketchy story reported by the Los Angeles Times, the teacher at the Clovis, California school outside Fresno allegedly not only molested a 7 year old student but was so proud of his crime-and stupid-that he recorded the molestation on his cellphone.

Federal charges were filed against Yang, 43, a second grade teacher at Freedom Elementary School in Clovis, and he was arrested and removed from his classroom. Yang could face more charges if it's determined there were additional victims.

Yang could "face a mandatory prison term of between 15 and 30 years, a $250,000 fine and a lifetime term of supervised release if convicted."

No doubt his cellphone was seized and there likewise is little doubt he, like Mark Berndt, will be greeted and treated appropriately by his fellow inmates.

The Reno teacher, Bethyl Shepherd, 35, needn't worry too much over her incarceration despite admitting her sexcapades with Reed High School teens. She has already been sentenced, a sentence reflecting the inequitable double standard which punishes male sex offenders far more harshly than females.

No fine was imposed and Shepherd must serve all of 60 days in the slammer of her 19 month to 4 year sentence and five years probation because her attorneys explained she is bi-polar. Both prosectors and the parents of the students involved also pleaded for leniency since she is broke and her life has been ruined.

Shepherd's husband is divorcing her, her two children have disowned her, she will never teach again, had to sell her car, and is living with her mother, ruination all caused by Bethyl Shepherd herself.

She should thank God she's not a guy as can 21 year old Marie Fisher, a Special Ed teacher's aide who was arrested the month before Shepherd at the same high school for having sex with a 15 year old. Fisher was given a suspended sentence and 5 years probation after claiming her attention deficit disorder was a factor in her crime.

So much for equality of justice.(See all sources at /blog1/?p=12404.)

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Freitag, 25. Mai 2012

The Claim That Cheating Or An Affair Isn't About The Sex: Is It True? - Relationships

Many people assume that an affair is all about sex. I would even venture to say that most people think that cheating men must not have a great sex life at home so they are having to go elsewhere. Sadly, many wives whose husbands are unfaithful believe this also. I heard from a wife who said in part: "I caught my husband having an affair. One of the first things I expressed was that I didn't understand why he would cheat on me when our sex life was actually pretty good. My husband responded that the affair actually didn't have much to do with sex. He said it was much more than sex. This doesn't make sense to me. If he wasn't cheating on me because of sex, then why would he cheat? I think we had a good marriage. We're always been very close. It's true that my job has been stressful lately, but I didn't see this coming. I thought our marriage was pretty solid so my assumption was that he cheated for the sex. But he denies this? How can he be telling me the truth?"

Husbands Aren't Always Lying When They Tell You The Infidelity Wasn't Solely About The Sex: As I said, the assumption if often that an affair is all about the passionate sex that the cheating spouse was not getting at home. But if you research this topic or listen to many experts, you'll find that this assumption just isn't universally true. Many people are looking for validation, appreciation, or a just someone to listen or understand them when they are most vulnerable to cheating. This is why many affairs start in the workplace when people are working closely together. This situation often sets the stage for your spouse feeling that someone else "gets" or "understands" them in a way that you don't. That other person might become their sounding board at work and then before you know it, your spouse is sharing their problems or the intimate details of their wife with someone other than you. Yes, that relationship may eventually become sexual. But it wasn't the sex that wa s the attraction in the first place. It was the feeling that they are in things together that develops over time. It is sometimes due to the fact that she has the time to listen to him and show him appreciation because she is with him all day and doesn't have to be burdened with the responsibility of running a household.

Although An Affair Isn't Always Solely About Sex, Know That Sex Does Play A Role: With all of the above said, some husbands will tell you that the relationship wasn't centered on sex because they know that once you get those mental images in your head, they will be very difficult to remove. So, they want to turn your attention away from that aspect of it. They don't want you dwelling on this part of it. Sure, the relationship may not have started as a sexual one and they may not have been its focus. But if sex was not a part of it, then that aspect of the relationship would not have continued. So as much as it might not have been the primary attraction, it was part of the relationship.

How To Respond When Your Husband Assures You His Infidelity Wasn't All About Sex: To be quite honest, many women would rather think that betrayal was a sexual one. The thinking behind this goes something like this: if the only thing between them was sex, then once that part is over, he should be able to move on. And if this were the case, the wife could tell herself that even though he cheated, his heart was still with her. But if the relationship was centered on emotions or a closeness not fueled by sex, then this complicates matters. Many wives aren't sure how to respond when their husband makes such claims. A suggested script might be something like: "to be honest, whether it was all about sex or not, you still had sex. It is still a betrayal. No matter how the relationship started or what was its main focus, it is still a huge betrayal and a difficult blow for your marriage. In order for us to heal, I will need your firm commitment that you are going to completely cut off all contact and focus on doing whatever is necessary to save our marriage."

In this way, you are not allowing him to use this as an excuse or to divert your attention away from the physical aspect of their relationship. So to answer the question that was asked of me, men often say that the infidelity wasn't just about sex because that is their truth. An affair is often much more complex than that and as such, recovery can be as complex.

In the beginning stages of my recovery from the affair, the sexual aspect of it was pretty important to me. But over time I came to realize that I was dealing mostly with semantics rather than betrayal itself and this realization changed the way I went about my recovery. If it helps you can read the whole story of my recovery at /

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Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2012

Whistler Snowmobiling - Master Your Whistler Snowmobile With These Essential Tips - Travel

The earliest incarnation of snowmobiles date back to 1923, when Carl Eliason of Sayner, Wisconsin hand-built the first model. His invention consisted of a modified Model T Ford, stripped of its tires, and the undercarriage replaced with tracks and skis. His invention proved popular for rural mail delivery.

Thankfully, snowmobiles have progressed greatly since those heady days of delivering mail, and can be found throughout the world's snowy realms. One such destination where snowmobiles have found a particular home is nestled in the resort community of Whistler BC. With a trail system 100km long, Whistler boasts ample terrain to experience snowmobiling for the first time, or for seasoned pros to deviate from the beaten path and discover slopes rarely sullied by human activity.

The three major Whistler snowmobile providers are Blackcomb Snowmobile, Canadian Snowmobile, and Cougar Mountain, each offering a variety of Whistler snowmobiling tours that cater to all skill levels. Depending on your budget, time, and taste, you could find yourself motoring through old growth forests, gazing at the tips of glaciers, or drinking in a stunning Whistler mountain vista.

Snowmobile drivers do not need a driver's license. However, you must be 14 years or older to be eligible. It is also recommended that passengers be at least 10 years old, and able to hold on firmly. Here are some more tips to prepare for your Whistler snowmobiling tour.

What to wear

There's nothing worse than being cold and clammy. For this reason, avoid cottons and sweat shirts that retain moisture and invite the possibility of hypothermia. Instead try polypropylene garments and thermal under layers that release moisture and retain body heat. Quality snowmobile wear should also be effectively resistant to wind and water. Your helmet and face shield (generally provided by the tour operator), are essential to protect from cold and hidden hazards. Waterproof, insulated boots and leather snowmobile mitts can also add protection and warmth.

How to drive

Operating a snowmobile is similar to riding a bicycle - the ease of turning the handlebars depends mostly on your speed. (Hint: use a lighter touch when burning up the trail). Keep your feet in the stirrups for stability, and lean to the inside on the turns. Keep a space of at least 30 yards from other snowmobiles on the trail. Lastly, at slower speeds don't be afraid to take a fall. (Tipping over a couple times is part of the experience).

Rules of the road

Just like regular driving in North America, snowmobiling adheres to the same guidelines (with a few exceptions). Always keep to the right of the trails, especially on turns. When stopping, do not stop directly on the trail but veer off to the side. Never stop on turns or narrow parts of the trail if you can avoid it. Be courteous and give the right of way to oncoming groups of pedestrians, skiers, and other snowmobilers. And keep that throttle under control! Your speed should be consistent with posted speed limits and trail conditions.

Keep an eye out for obstacles

While it's tempting to preoccupy yourself with the stunning Whistler scenery, your attention is better spent on the path before you. Engine noise and your helmet may interfere with your hearing, so you'll have to rely on visual sharpness to navigate your way. Dangers to consider: other trail users, snow banks, oncoming sleds, trees and branches on the trail, obstacles veiled by the snow, and wildlife (wouldn't want to kill Bambi).

Getting unstuck

To avoid getting stuck in the first place, remember to stop in deep snow only if you are pointed downhill. Also watch for depressions in the powder, which could be stream beds that make it extremely difficult to pull a sled from. And remember, don't be afraid of getting stuck as it's bound to happen a few times a day, unless you're staying on perfectly groomed trails. As long as you keep the throttle going you are likely to pull through the soft spots.

Save your butt

Some heavily used Whistler trails can become bumpy and inflict stinging pain on your spine. Learn the proper technique for handling the ups-and-downs! Decrease your speed as you approach the bumpy section, but keep your speed consistent. (Avoid revving the throttle as it will dig the bumps deeper for future riders). Stand up and anticipate large dips using your legs as shock absorbers, letting the snowmobile buck up and down beneath you. Throughout your ride, switch positions to avoid constant stress on the same part of your body, and take numerous breaks to keep your muscles loose.

Two's company

Riding tandem on a snowmobile allows much more freedom to roam the Whistler vistas with your eyes. But keep in mind, you're still of vital importance the driver and the snowmobile's handling. After seating yourself behind the driver, grab on to one of the rider holds: either the backrest bars, the strap on the seat, or of course, the driver. Remain aware of the trail and upcoming turns. For best handling, mirror the movements of the driver and lean when they lean. Anticipate bumps in the trail and use your legs for shock absorption. Finally, abandon ship with the driver as it's much safer to let the snowmobile stop on its own.

With these Whistler snowmobile tips, you'll be a step ahead of the other rookies. But be aware, with great snowmobiling skill comes great responsibility. (Use your new wisdom for good, and not evil). Lastly, make sure you listen to your guide and enjoy your snowmobiling adventure on Whistler mountain!

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Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2012

Whistler Canada Ski Clothing Hire - Thinking About Replacing Your Retro Outfit? Consider a Ski Wear Rental in Whistler Canada - Travel

The first Whistler BC ski trip of the season is a sacred moment, especially for the infrequent skier who is able to hit the slopes only a handful of times a year. The date is likely circled on the kitchen calendar, and your neck is probably programmed to turn and glance at its slow approach with a mixture of longing and impatience. But then, suddenly it's the night before and you've gathered the courage to dive into the garage or basement to haul out your trusty gear: skis or snowboard, jackets, pants, boots and all.

You pull out each item, dust it off, perhaps wonder if it will still fit properly (since you haven't upgraded your attire for a number of years). You half-heartedly attempt to convince yourself that maybe neon pink and yellow are finally "in" again. After some deliberation, you briefly consider whether it's time to actually purchase newer/better/hipper ski gear but remind yourself the top-of-the-line cost is pricey, and that is before dolling out hard-earned cash for your lift ticket, accommodation, transportation, meals, entertainment, and all the other activities that actually make a vacation worthwhile.

A conundrum emerges: how to afford quality ski and snowboard equipment and avoid spending wads of money. The solution: rent your ski gear.

This situation was recognized by vacationer Shannon Hearn when he first visited Whistler mountain back in 1997. "I recognized a need for quality clothing rental when I noticed some skiers on the slopes wearing jeans and leather jackets -- or if they did rent it was old ski school suits all the same colour and style." (The neon rearing its loud and numerous heads once again).

One year later, with a little determination and entrepreneurial spirit, Shannon opened his own business for ski clothing rental in Whistler Canada, Whistler Winter Wear, offering quality snowboard and ski clothing rental to Whistler Canada visitors. "I wanted people to have a great experience no matter what skill level...if you are cold you're not having fun. If you are warm you can ski longer and better. And you will want to come back and do it again!"

Shannon believes there are a number of reasons why renting snow and ski gear is better than purchasing. If you're on a budget, you may succumb to buying the "cheap stuff" simply because it's cheap. The better alternative is renting gear that offers better looks and performance for a fraction of the cost. Plus, you don't have to pack it in your luggage up and down the mountain, and you don't have to store your ski jackets and pants in your basement or storage until the next season.

For parents with children, nothing is more frustrating then spending hundreds of dollars on quality outfits, only to have them outgrow their fit a year later. (True, many a parent has attempted to stuff their kids into old ski gear out of necessity, but the traumatic memories can be avoided along with wasted cash).

Worried about wearing the sweat of the person who rented the ski clothing before you? Not to worry, as all of Whistler Winter Wear's ski and snowboard gear is hygienically cleaned to stringent standards. The company also carries a number of specialty products like anti-fogging goggles and two-way radios for security on the slopes. (You can give yourself and your friends/family cool sounding code names). For those visitors that lose their luggage in transit, fleece garments, long underwear, and hats are available for purchase.

With all of these benefits, Shannon Hearn is proud of his contribution to Whistler's guest community. Yet the reward goes beyond company profits. "I am told every day how much our customers appreciate our service and products. It really is a rewarding job for me and my small number of staff. Not only do we help people in need, our unique delivery service allows us to meet and talk to people from all over the world."

So before your next Whistler Canada vacation, as you dive into your basement or garage and are confronted with your expensive and aging ski and snow gear, consider renting instead. Unless of course, you're convinced neon pink is making a comeback.

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Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012

Silver Star Mountain Resort Accommodation - Are You Paying Too Much For Your Silver Star Accommodation? - Travel

Everyone knows ski vacations are expensive.

Yet if you've chosen to visit Silver Star Mountain in British Columbia, Canada, you've already made the most important decision guaranteed to saving money. Unlike it's big sister Whistler Blackcomb, what Silver Star lacks in size it more than makes up with small-town vibe and cozy accommodation.

Here are some further tips to help you stretch your dollar at Silver Star mountain resort.

Tip #1 - Book Your Trip Early

Myth: booking your flight at the last minute is often better than booking far in advance. (This idea could have been started by airlines or travel agents that needed to unload a number of unsold seats quickly). Rest assured, it's always better to book as early as possible. Last minute bargains are certainly possible, but they remain the exception.

Tip #2 - Book Your Silver Star Mountain Accommodation Owner-Direct

Booking your Silver Star mountain resort accommodation directly with homeowners and small accommodation providers saves you money by avoiding the burden of middle agent fees. And as an added perk, many owners have free parking, whereas rental managers and hotels can charge additional nightly parking fees.

Tip #3 - Invite More Friends to Silver Star Mountain And Share The Cost

Two's company, and three's a crowd. Yet consider splitting the cost of your Silver Star mountain accommodation with a few other friends and the price drops dramatically. Plus, having extra people doesn't necessarily mean sacrificing personal space. Renting a larger property with more people can end up cheaper than a condo split among a single couple or family.

Tip #4 - Pack the Entertainment

Keeping kids entertained in-between hitting the Silver Star ski slopes can burn holes in your budget. Granted, television and movie rentals are a fail-safe alternative to going out. But packing a number of fun alternatives can help pass those slow periods, such as a few classic board games, a pack of crayons, or absolutely a pack or two of cards. After all, there's nothing quite like an evening of Scrabble or Trivial Pursuit after a day of hard skiing.

Tip #5 Skip the Silver Star Mountain Resort Restaurants

This one is a killer. Eating out is easily one of the fastest ways to cripple your finances, especially if your vacation lasts more than a few days. The easiest alternative is to book your Silver Star mountain accommodation with a kitchen and prepare at least some of your meals ensuite. Try searching a few simple recipes online before you go and you could surprise yourself with some tasty (and cheap dishes). Your family (and wallet) will thank you.

Tip #6 Look For Discounts In Silver Star Mountain Tourist Brochures & Flyers

While strolling the streets and browsing the shops, keep an eye out for resort guides and helpful visitor maps that often include discount coupons for various activities and restaurants. Even saving a few dollars per coupon can add up by the end of a trip. On the other hand you're likely to spend that money anyway since you're on vacation. Either way, you can afford to do more!

Tip #7 - Avoid the ATM's

ATM's can get you out of a jam if you're short on cash, but the surcharges on each withdrawl can be painful. The machine will charge you on the spot and you bank will charge you on your next monthly bill. Practice prevention with this problem by purchasing traveler's cheques, using your credit or debit card, and carrying a modest amount of cash.

Tip #8 - Redeem Those Airmiles For Silver Star Mountain Lift Tickets

If you're from one of the countries that allows you to collect Airmiles (currently Canada, UK, the Netherlands, Spain and the U.A.E) then you can trade them in for Silver Star mountain resort lift tickets this season! Simply redeem 300 miles for a weekday pass or 375 for a weekend pass, and you'll be on the mountain in no time. Find out how to redeem your miles on your local Airmiles website.

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Montag, 21. Mai 2012

Putting the Low Cholesterol Diet to Work For You - Health

A low cholesterol diet can help you reach the weight loss goals you have been striving towards. Before looking further into the diet aspects of low cholesterol, it's important to understand what cholesterol does for your body.

Your body requires cholesterol for many different purposes. The main thing cholesterol does is digest fats, create cellular walls, manufacture hormones, among other things vital to your bodies health.

While cholesterol can be a good thing for your body, too much of it can be harmful to your body. A constant overload in cholesterol is known to cause high blood pressure and all the ailments that come with it, like heart disease. This is where taking on a low cholesterol diet will really shine for you; you'll get to dodge unhealthy problems such as these.

Basically, the low cholesterol diet in a nutshell just involves keeping a close eye on your intake of foods that contain cholesterol. Pay close attention to your food groups, our main source of cholesterol is from things like red meat, egg yolk, as well as dairy products like cheese and whole milk.

While it's a smart idea to reduce your consumption of high-cholesterol foods like this, it isn't a good idea to cut them off completely. Since cholesterol still provides many benefits to your body, so completely eliminating cholesterol during your low cholesterol diet probably wouldn't be a good idea.

Your low cholesterol diet should also be complimented with a healthy and consistent dose of exercise. You can keep it so something easy, like a daily walk. If you have a pool in your backyard, use it for exercise. The local gym will also give you plenty of different ways to put your heart rate up.

Get your necessary vitamins from fruit and veggies. Don't ever fry your foods, this only increases the cholesterol content. Opt instead to reduce the cholesterol with alternative cooking methods like grilling or roasting. If a recipe calls for cooking oil, opt for a healthier low fat oil that's commonly available at your local market.

As you can see there are plenty of healthy ways the low cholesterol diet can work for you.

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Sonntag, 20. Mai 2012

How To Increase Male Sexual Stamina How To Make Her Beg You For Sex - You Don'T Want To Miss These Secrets! - Relationships - Sexuality

Calling all men who are not satisfied with their penis size! Are you tired of the low self confidence and self esteem your tiny member is causing? Do you wish there was something you could do about it? In other words are you ready for a bigger penis?

Are you happy with the size of your penis? Do you wish that there was a guaranteed way to enlarge your penis safely? Look no further - It is now guaranteed and safe to add up to 4 inches to your penis size in just a matter of weeks! The best part is you can start TODAY adding length and girth to your penis size.

See results in as little as 7 days GUARANTEED - Click here to start TODAY >> No waiting - Start enlarging NOW >>

Pills supplements and all the other so called remedies to make your penis bigger just don't work. The only effective way to increase the size of your penis is by exercising it.

There are a lot ways for a man to enlarge his penis but they are all very different. Some methods work very well many others do not. When men first start working towards a bigger thicker and longer penis they tend to make mistakes that can be easily avoidable.

Every man alive has had a moment or two where he wishes he could have just held on a little bit longer. You know what I'm talking about guys that moment of no return where the woman in your life gets you so hot and bothered there is no turning back. That moment when you explode with everything you've got. But wait what if you could have lasted just another two or three seconds what if you could have lasted another ten minutes or so...

One of the best natural ways to enlarge your penis is by the use of herbal pills. Herbal male enhancement pills remain one of the more effective methods towards increasing the size of the penis. It is easy to use this method as all you need do is take one pill daily and within a few weeks you will start to see some results. Just one pill each day is all that is required but in the end you will have found a natural and painless way to enlarge your penis.

Do you know how many women get together and share their sex stories with one another? Yes they talk about your performance. 90% of the time we women talk about how men think they are doing so great but the sad reality is they are missing the mark. We want you to know the secrets we don't want to fake it.

Sometimes it is really difficult whether to know if a product works or not. There is claims on one end and assertions on the other end of the spectrum.

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Samstag, 19. Mai 2012

Long Lasting Sex Techniques Sexual Performance Issues - Relationships - Sexuality

We are all aware than natural penis male enlargement exercises are the best way to get a bigger penis. Although manufacturers of penis pills penis pumps and creams may give a completely different impression I urge you not to be taken in. The only method that has actual scientific proof and evidence is natural penis male enlargement exercises. There are many different exercises for you to try however I would like to introduce you to my favourite three.

If you want a bigger penis you've absolutely come to the right place. This is because it's possible to make your penis both longer and thicker for life. Yes it is and I'm going to tell you how and why it's possible. Once thing I am going to tell you right now is that you cannot get bigger with pills or pumps. They are the longest standing scam in history. Trust me I learned the hard way. But I do have good news. I am going to tell you how you can make your penis permanently bigger without purchasing a single physical product.

Guys have tons of questions about whether or not they can make their erection bigger. A lot of guys out there are really desperate to get bigger. A small erection is no joke. It's a serious source of embarrassment and low self-esteem. I'm going to answer many of the most frequently asked questions that I get in this article. Continue to read for the good news.

RESULTS ARE NOW GUARANTEED: Enlarge your penis 1-4 inches. You can enlarge your penis size and girth easily. Get started TODAY with no waiting. See results in as little as 7 days Guaranteed! Click here to get Bigger >>

If you are looking for penis improvement or enlargement drugs you may have heard of ProSolution. But is this system just too much propaganda and of little essence? Can this drug offer true results? This article will attempt at dealing with those topics.

Not being big enough down there but trying to fake it just to impress your partner is a big NO-NO! But that does not mean you have to bear the embarrassment of having a penis that is smaller than the other guys. There are quite a number of ways which can help you go about increasing the size of your manhood. And although it may take a little bit of physical effort on your part exercising your penis is definitely one of the best choices you can make today!

Do you know how many women get together and share their sex stories with one another? Yes they talk about your performance. 90% of the time we women talk about how men think they are doing so great but the sad reality is they are missing the mark. We want you to know the secrets we don't want to fake it.

Have you heard about Arabic jelqing exercises? Read here what they are and whether or not they work.

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Freitag, 18. Mai 2012

Surgical Penis Enlargement How To Bring Her Wild Side In Bed By Knowing Her Naughty Secret Sex Fantasies - Relationships - Sexuality

Too many men look at their penis as a separate entity instead of a functioning and necessary part of their body. Your penis if you wish it to perform on command must stay healthy. Besides having regular sex not only for the health of your penis but your body you should also remember to keep the rest of your body in tip-top shape to ensure that your penis is getting all the blood flow nutrients and oxygen it needs.

There are alot of herbs that are said to help with penis enhancement. But there are some that are better overall than others. You need the right combination of these herbs for best results. You need herbs for blood flow stamina performance functions of the erect penis as well as your overall stresss levels.

This article takes a look at penis male enlargement patches. How does a penis patch work? Does it even work? Find out the hard truth and also get some idea of what to look out for when buying a penis enlarging patch...

Are you happy with the size of your penis? Do you wish that there was a guaranteed way to enlarge your penis safely? Look no further - It is now guaranteed and safe to add up to 4 inches to your penis size in just a matter of weeks! The best part is you can start TODAY adding length and girth to your penis size. Enlarge your penis at home >>

A man who wants to enlarge his penis is faced with numerous penis male enlargement methods. This makes choosing the right method more difficult for him.

How much do you know about the average penis size and how sure are you that you measure up? Well it may interest you to know that the average size is just over 6 inches. This may not seem like a lot but sadly it is true and from this statistic you can see why most women end up dissatisfied in the bedroom. Wouldn't it be great if you could get away from the average and actually add inches to your size? Well now you can. Finally you will be able to set yourself above the rest and I promise you the ladies will love you for it!

Do you know how many women get together and share their sex stories with one another? Yes they talk about your performance. 90% of the time we women talk about how men think they are doing so great but the sad reality is they are missing the mark. We want you to know the secrets we don't want to fake it.

There are many penis pills being sold online. However it is just a few that are good and effective while being safe at the same time. Top penis pills are all natural and not only ensure rock solid erections but also help increase your penis size.

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Donnerstag, 17. Mai 2012

Asp Male Enhancement The Best Sexual Positions Do Not Matter If You Have No Desire For Sex - How Hgh Can Help You - Relationships - Sexuality

Do you know about the natural ways which can increase the proportions of your penis? The best part is there is no form of pumping drugs as well as surgery found in this method. There are three exercises that will assist on how to get a massive penis that will please any woman. The most important point is to have a balanced diet. However it is sad that most of the people tend to ignore the value of good food for the growth of all the organs of our body and also to attain more manhood.

It's not uncommon for men to report penis growth in excess of 3 sometimes even 4 or 5 inches when they start using the natural enhancement program. The enormous effectiveness of the natural enhancement technique has always been a piece of folk wisdom and the techniques themselves have been transmitted from father to son in the Near East for centuries. However it's only in the last few years that science has provided firstly large-scale statistical corroboration of the effectiveness of natural enhancement and secondly an explanation of why it works.

There is only one way on earth to get yourself permanently larger on your own. This is not with some odd pill or device but actually with a unique ancient set of hand massages that can expand and elongate your manhood for life. This is not well known because when men discover this secret they take it with them to the grave.

Do you want to have an average to small penis all of your life? No you don't. Finally there is a method that is guaranteed to work for you! You can change your life starting from today and get a bigger penis get better sex and increase your confidence. Get a bigger penis now >>

If you want a larger penis I'm going to share with you the plan that I used myself to gain over 4 inches of length and more than 2 inches of girth. I increased my own penis using natural enhancement and since then I have helped so many other men to achieve similar gains with this plan. Don't waste time feeling ashamed or miserable about your manhood: this article will explain all the steps you need to take to make it bigger for good.

Is your penis too small? Stop being embarrassed & discover how to make it bigger permanently.

Do you know how many women get together and share their sex stories with one another? Yes they talk about your performance. 90% of the time we women talk about how men think they are doing so great but the sad reality is they are missing the mark. We want you to know the secrets we don't want to fake it.

The best method of penis male enlargement is penis exercises. These exercises called Jelqs are highly effective and proven to work. The key is to join the right program to experience real penis growth. Moreover using natural pills can further enhance the effect of these exercises by increasing blood flow to the penis.

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Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2012

Masterbation Sex Toys Help Make Masturbation More Exciting - Relationships - Sexuality

Without any doubt, masturbation is a very simple, natural, and easy way for men and women to release tension. This tension can be physical, emotional, and even spiritual. While in the masturbatory state, worries fade, problems disappear, and tension melts away. With the world becoming seemingly more stressful every day, people are now looking for new methods they can use to unwind from the daily grind. This means that many people will be utilizing masturbation as a catharsis and as a mini-holiday to escape from the troubling times that surround us. There are many who prefer to go for masterbation sex toys to fulfill their different sexual needs.

This means that more and more sex seeker want to go with the alternatives that can help them make masturbation more exciting and dynamic. This can be through using different physical stimulation devices (toys), different forms of material to arouse excitement and sexual interest, including reading sex stories or adult videos. They also choose new methods of getting the most out of masturbation.

When we look back on history then we find that there are lots of creative methods which have been used by men or women in order to masturbation exploration. Imagine a woman rubbing honey on her vulva, areola, and nipples. Then, laying back, in the sun, and have the scent of the honey waft into the air. This scent is something that attracts insects that arrive to feast on the honey on her body. Actually, this triggers very light touch neuro-sex-receptors in her sexual organs and induces pleasure. Does that sound a little too creative? May be! However, it was all the "rage" at one time. Men employed this technique, too.

Personally speaking, I am not suggesting for men to honey-up their testicles and penis and go lay naked in the sun. Who knows what you might attract, really? With my luck some huge grizzly bear who would eat me for lunch.

In the present scenario, there are numbers of web-sites available on the Internet that offer a plethora of methods to make masturbation more exciting and cull it from becoming boring. One of the widely used methods is the usage of sexual "toys." Most men think that masterbation sexual toys are more for women, but one would be surprised at the amount of creative hardware that's in the adult emporiums that can help men while masturbating. And, of course, those men who are really interested in taking masturbation to its ultimate pinnacle should look into autofellatio. This can help you a lot especially at the time when a man is able to orally stimulate his own penis. It is true that by learning and utilizing proper training and stretching, most men can fellate themselves.

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Dienstag, 15. Mai 2012

Compare This Scenario With Your First Sex Experience - Relationships - Sexuality

Compare This Scenario With Your First Sex Experience

The picture of Sex loomed very large before me from all the sex stories, "eavdropings" and "peepings" on sex, and the free sex videos I had watched growing up. I looked forward to that special moment when I will experience that bliss I have heard so much about; an experience to always reminisce in my sex world.

I looked forward to losing my virginity in a free sex unlike some of my friends who told me their experience at a brothel. I day-dreamed and night-dreamed about how it would be. It created much anticipation in my head that and hard-on constantly distended my boxer and trouser flaps angling for a teen sex.

Yet, when the day came, I was very excited and before I could say Uh, Ah, I offloaded my cum to my utter disappointment. I have quite nothing to call pleasure about my experience. What I always remember is Mimi, saying: "Ah, why didn't you hold it? You have soiled my dress and the bed sheets." I was deeply embarrassed. My penis went limp.

The above scenario is quite common with amateur sex. After all the built up anticipation of a once in a life time experience some people discover that their first sexual experience is nothing extraordinary. In my case, Mimi was not a virgin, she was matured in sex and so did not experience pains and bleeding, which could unnerve a young girl and steal the expected wonderful feeling of sex for the very first time Mimi was my sex teacher.

I have also heard of a situation where a young girl who had sex for the first time was so much hurt and bleeding carried on as if it would not stop. Her partner must have given her a rough sex. Alarmed, the girl notified her Mom and was rushed to the hospital for treatment. It is very wrong to sex a virgin in haste without extracting the natural lubricants produced by her body.

To reduce the soreness and embarrassment in first sexual intercourse, I suggest that you give more attention to foreplay: Kissing, and discovering her pleasure points with both your fingers and mouth will soften her up for penetration much much later after both of you have been greatly aroused before having sex.

Even then, it is advisable to have an industrial lubricant, which when applied to the vagina easies penetration as you insert your penis little by little till the hymen is broken to let you into her. A lubricant will further ensure that even if she loses her natural lubrication, there will be no dryness to cause abrasion, pain and bleeding.

Now it will seem as if having sex is so free and without risk. Far from it. If you are older than your partner, be sure that she is not a minor and that she is in agreement with you, she is ready for sex. However, bear in mind that a situation of regret could result from your sexual act, so precaution is called for to prevent both unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases whether you are doing sex in the vagina or you are have anal sex.

A female's first sex experience could even be more traumatic if you are not considerate. The myth that women do not forget the person who deflowered them is not really in terms of unforgettable enjoyment. Unlike their male partners, to a major extent, sexual enjoyment for the female increases with age because bodily and emotional maturity have so much to do with their sexual enjoyment.

Take time, therefore to do sex to her so that both of you will not be disappointed if novices, and if you, the male, is experienced, so that she does not get traumatized in her first time sex.

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Montag, 14. Mai 2012

Phone sex- enjoy the life - Society

These days sex is no more a private activity, or a taboo issue about whom people are embarrassed of talking about. Games related to sex and chats are on boom these days, for the people who have problems related to sex. Phone sex not only stimulates the sex hormones but also gives a feeling of closeness when you are far. In these stress full days when no one has great time to enjoy this act and carry out fore plays, the phone bunnies do the best act to create a world of fantasies and to entertain us with the tte--tte and the erogenous sounds and activities.

People who have entered in a sex habit they can't seem to run away and should try to improve their sex life through phone sex. These days there are many agencies that are there to make the sexual dreams come true. One will be surprised to notice the erotic chat with these girls will take the sex experience to a new level, and will help in discovering exciting things. Phone sex with the hot girls will give an unforgettable moment of pleasure.

To check out the best service over the internet click just visit This for sure will take to the world of excitement and joy revitalizing your sex life.Few people consider the phone sex as a silly act and consider it as an activity to waste time and money. But once they try it they become addicted to these hot voices and they would starve to hear these erogenous voices. If someone is lacking excitement in his sex life he should try out the new breed in the sex. The adult phone chat offers pictures and videos of the girls and it also provide the option to choose from many types of girls like aged, only 18, fetish, blonde, brunettes, black and Asian, slim and curvy. The adultphonechat has blogs that comprises of girls live videos and naughty phone sex stories.

Phone sex requires setting of mood before same like a normal physical sex. The mood of the person should be psychologically prepared and refrained in order to achieve the most wanted height of pleasure. The basic thing one should keep in mind is the phone sex is non sexual and it's just an activity of mind. The phone sex keeps the couples in touch and makes them feel closer after a love session on the phone. It keeps the fire burning inside two bodies whether it is husband-wife or girl friend-boy friend.

The pre preparation of phone sex involves dimming of light and playing some slow sexy music in the background. Safe phone sex permits the creativity of the mind. The phone sex keeps the person in right mood as one waits with a keenness for a physical meeting or a sex.

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Sonntag, 13. Mai 2012

Better Sex Stories Tips Of Positive Parenting Skills - Parenting Guidelines For Single Mothers - Relationships - Sexuality

This may come as a surprise to you but do you know that more than 90% of all men have an average penis size of 6 inches? If you're within this bracket you certainly are not small. But if you want to boost your penis size (and your self confidence to boot!) you have a few options that can gain you that sensational size and give your woman that exquisite pleasure in bed.

Are you happy with the size of your penis? If you are not then take action today! Once you understand how simple it is to enlarge your penis you will wonder why you waited so long.

How to enlarge your penis? This is a common question asked by many men around the world because you may have compared your size to adult film actors and realized that you are lacking in size. Your small penis might be causing you to feel embarrassed and inadequate because you are unable to provide a woman with the intense level of satisfaction and pleasure that she is used to. A situation like this can have a negative impact on your relationships with women and cause you to live a boring intimate life.

You might try and convince that size does not matter it is what you do with it. But not to burst your bubble most women love a man who is well endowed. Do you want to increase the size of your penis listed here are 3 simple steps to a bigger little man.

A larger penis is not an impossible dream as long as you use the right techniques. The right techniques are the natural techniques which work with the body's innate systems. Work against these systems and you're on a hiding to nothing as I found for myself. I tried all the pumps pills and weights systems out there and got nothing; then I tried natural enhancement and got close to 4 inches bigger. If you want the same growth for your penis this article will explain why natural enhancement is the one for you.

Are you happy with the size of your penis? If you are not then take action today! Once you understand how simple it is to enlarge your penis you will wonder why you waited so long.

Get a bigger penis now >>

Are you looking for an effective penis male enlargement method that has been proven to work to get a bigger manhood quickly but 100% naturally? Okay check out this article here to discover which method works the best.

There is a huge number of men who given the right scenario would like to implement effective penis stretching techniques and make their penis that little bit larger. Unfortunately most of these guys never bother to do anything at all about it or the few occasions that they actually do try a penis stretching technique it only ever ends in failure. The fact is sometimes it can be very difficult to figure out the facts from the fiction due to the sheer number of lies that are floating around the topic of penis stretching techniques.

Without a doubt size matters and there are a huge amount of desperate men who worry about their penis size. If there was an easy way to enlarge the penis then most guys would do it.

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Why People Read Sex Books? - Shopping - Books

Namaskar Kolkata online shopping website brings a huge collection of books about sex and erotic emotion of human. All the books are cheap, exclusive and latest in market. You can visit the site anytime and avail the pleasure.Books and Sex; two different subjects, two equally different points of views but both have great significance in our life. Book is like God to us, we worship them. On the other hand Sex is such a subject that we show least interest to talk about (?), we feel very embarrassed with any open discussion on sex or any other adult topic. But what if this two have joined together in the form of literature or inspiration?Though we are not so comfortable while talking about our sex life in public still we cannot ignore nor deny its major presence in our life and society. And when it comes infront of us in a form of book then we become more confused; whether to read it or not.Some may believe all the sex books bogus and full of dirty sex stories. They dont like to even see them. But the truth is that there are books on sex that can give us the real knowledge about the proper sex. It can give us the idea about the role of psychology of our sexual behavior. Those books are not only valuable but essential for our society. The pinot is simple; until you know something properly you cannot enjoy it. And to know sex in a proper manner and the equation, philosophy and psychology behind our every sex related activity there are some good books that can guide us. That can tell us what is the difference between love, sex and lust. Most of the teenagers love to read those forbidden books. They want to quench their thirst for that mysterious yet fascinating part of our life which is called sex. It is the nature of that age. They dont know which book they should read and which one not. In that part of their life they may read some really ugly one. But with the maturity of life people become conscious about heir choice. They know what kind of book s about sex they really want to read or need to read. At that time their choice is not be made with some passion for knowing the unknown, rather it becomes the passion of gathering relevant information about a most important part of our life.I often ask to myself, why people read sex books? Is that only for fun or is there any other emotion that makes them to buy and read those books. Some says that man love to watch adult movies and videos and the same passion is working behind reading those books. But I cannot agree with that. If it is the only reason then people can watch movies as visual effect is always much much strong than the effect of book reading.Actually it is not only the quest for sex that makes people read those erotic books. At the same time an urge of reading and an urge for books is also there that makes them reading instead of watching. That is why the books like Kama sutra will never lose its glory and significance among the book lovers.Sex books have hund reds of categories like the psychology of sex, the numerology behind sex, the role of spirituality in sex, how love is different than sex and many more to list. To get books on all this interesting topics you must visit /shopping and find the book of your desire.

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Samstag, 12. Mai 2012

Herbal Penis Male Enlargement Pills Sex Stories - Tips For A Great Swinging Couples Party - Relationships - Sexuality

Ever wondered how you can gain some size to your penis or whether if it is even remotely possible? Well to answer your doubts yes you can still grow a few more inches to your manhood size. And it only takes some simple exercising on your male organ over the next few weeks in order to make your penis grow bigger naturally!

Are you happy with your penis size? Most men are not. If you want to enlarge your penis size permanently and see huge gains - read on.. Just 6 minutes per day for a few short weeks will make your penis much longer thicker and healthier and give you permanent gains which you can enjoy for the rest of your life!

You can get a bigger thicker more satisfying penis quickly and permanently using very easy techniques that work no matter how small you are starting out. I went from only 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around to over 8 inches long and exactly 6 inches around. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about increasing your erect penis size.

Although penis male enlargement exercises have proven efficacy in increasing the length and girth in many instances occasionally some men face problems and cannot perform those exercises properly which is reflected on the outcome of some workout plans. The following outlines the 3 common problems that face some guys while performing penis male enlargement exercises.

How would you like to get a bigger more impressive penis? If you're small and embarrassed about your size I bet you would do anything to make your manhood bigger don't you? Most men would! So what's a recommended approach to get a bigger size? Simple - just exercise! That's right... natural enhancement exercises are all you need to achieve super size improvement and make it happen in a hurry too.

Are you happy with the size of your penis? Do you wish that there was a guaranteed way to enlarge your penis safely? Look no further - It is now guaranteed and safe to add up to 4 inches to your penis size in just a matter of weeks! The best part is you can start TODAY adding length and girth to your penis size.

Get a bigger penis now >>

At last it is not just possible to dramatically increase the size of your member but also very easy to do so. Unfortunately most men do not know about this revolutionary new method and do not understand how penis growth works. Because of this it is easy for these men to be scammed into wasting their time and money on dodgy products treatments or techniques which do not even have a chance of working.

Here is some great news for all men who are unhappy with the size of their manhood. There is a method of enlargement that is guaranteed to work and work relatively fast. You can really get a bigger penis with this easy method up to 4 inches bigger in fact!

The biggest mistake that many men make in trying to increase the size of their penis is to continually fall for the male enhancement gimmicks on the market today. But you can't blame them... after all who can resist the lure of those big-budget advertising that promise HUGE gains in little time? Now if you truly want to transform your manhood without spending an expensive outlay of time money and effort then I'd strongly encourage you to stay clear of the following methods at all cost...

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Freitag, 11. Mai 2012

Better Sex Stories Amazing Penis Growth - Dramatic Results Of Natural Enhancement - Relationships - Sexuality

First off we should know that there is so much type of penis male enlargement pills available on this market since demand for it is high and growing and companies stand to make good profits. It is sad to say that not all companies are honorable in their business and not all products are good for you.

Are you unhappy with the size of your penis? Would you like to be bigger and able to perform better in the bedroom? Results are now guaranteed that will naturally increase the size of your penis permanently.

Let's be honest here: is it really possible to make your erection bigger? I mean isn't everything out there a huge scam? Yes most of it is.

Yes you can really build a bigger stronger and more attractive penis. Male enhancement is a real approach to enlarge the size of your manhood. But not all enlargement strategies or products are created equal or yield the same results.

Penis enlarging can be difficult or it can be easy. You decide which route to take and if it's the easy route here's how to get results quick effectively and easy.

Did you know that it's possible to enlarge your penis at home using nothing but your hands and a few specially designed and highly secret NATURAL exercises that anybody with two hands can do?

Just 6 minutes per day for a few short weeks will make your penis much longer thicker and healthier and give you permanent gains which you can enjoy for the rest of your life!

Enlarge your penis now >>

There are plenty of ways to achieve an increase in size from home by yourself. One of the most practical and easiest way to make your penis grow bigger is just by exercising it with your hands!

Men are always on the hunt form something that will make their penis permanently larger but they don't know what actually works to get them increased size. The only method that does anything is hand exercises. Everything else is a total fraud and will not add any size.

Sometimes when you don't believe something it helps if you get an explanation from someone who knows what they're talking about. Many men don't believe that penis hand exercises are real and it helps to get an explanation about them to understand that they're actually a possibility. The penis is not a muscle so it behaves in ways that men are not familiar with. This article explains the physical processes that allow the penis to get inches larger.

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Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012

Better Sex Stories You Can Be A Master In The Bedroom Or Anywhere - Relationships - Sexuality

Guys want to get bigger penis sizes it's just a part of male nature. And women like a man who is a bit above average so she can brag to her friends. The problem is that not many men know about the only way to increase their penis size for life.

Are you unhappy with the size of your penis? Would you like to be bigger and able to perform better in the bedroom? Results are now guaranteed that will naturally increase the size of your penis permanently.

One of the most effective penis male enlargement exercises is jelquing. Experts have recently emphasized the effectiveness of jelquing in increasing the length and girth of the penis; however the acquired increase in size is largely determined by performing the right jelquing technique.

Have you ever wished you could add to the size of you penis without going under the surgeon's knife or paying through the nose? Anyway there is a good news for you there is a natural way you could increase your penis size without stress.

What is the best penis male enlargement program to buy? Wow! What a tough question! There are so many products to choose from. To help with your decision this article will look at the top ways to make your penis bigger. After reading this you should be able to decide which program will best suit your needs.

Are you unhappy with the size of your penis? Would you like to be bigger and able to perform better in the bedroom? Results are now guaranteed that will naturally increase the size of your penis permanently.

Get a bigger penis now >>

Have you ever experienced erectile early dysfunction? If you have then you know how serious this male problem is... Now there is a natural way to solve your problem - taking herbal erection pills. They work successfully to cure ED and to help you achieve strong harder and more powerful erections anytime at your will. Here are six good reasons why herbal erection pills should be your first choice when you are looking for safe effective and inexpensive solution to your ED problem...

Nature has given you the penis size that you have currently got but what you probably don't realise is that by using nature you can make it bigger if that is what you desire. There are a lot of men out there who feel that nature has not given them as much as they deserve which is why there are so many enlargement products available especially on the internet. But there is only one method that causes penis growth to take place completely naturally and organically and that is the method of natural enlargement.

A credible method you can use today to enlarge your penis is available. This method is very safe just like the natural penis male enlargement technique. Its effect on the penis is huge and gives a permanent increase. Over the past couple years there have been many websites showing up with this method. This method is convenient in enlarging the penis in sitting walking or standing position.

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Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012

Better Sex Stories Herbal Sexual Enhancers For Men - Relationships - Sexuality

Did you know that so many men are increasing the size of their penis easily at home? Discover how you can make your penis bigger and thicker too.

Did you know that it's possible to enlarge your penis at home using nothing but your hands and a few specially designed and highly secret NATURAL exercises that anybody with two hands can do?

Just 6 minutes per day for a few short weeks will make your penis much longer thicker and healthier and give you permanent gains which you can enjoy for the rest of your life!

Are you one of the thousands of men who have been disappointed by penis male enhancement methods that did not produce results? Have you already spent thousands of dollars on procedures and penis pumps that just haven't as much as increased an inch on your penis size?

Do you ever worry about not being able to satisfy a partner with your small penis? Use a simple and natural method such as a penis male enlargement device and you will be able to satisfy your partner with your new larger longer lasting penis.

In this article we are going to quickly cover how you can grow your penis from home. The simple truth is that with so MUCH myth misinformation and misconception about penis size and growth it's tough to separate out the fact from fiction if you are genuinely interested in making your penis bigger! So if you sort of find yourself in the same confounding state of confusion and want some straight answers read on as we explore some quick and easy methods for getting great gains from the comfort of your very own home! Read on..:-)

RESULTS ARE NOW GUARANTEED: Enlarge your penis 1-4 inches. You can enlarge your penis size and girth easily. Get started TODAY with no waiting. See results in as little as 7 days Guaranteed!

Enlarge your penis now >>

Discussions about the size of a man's penis were considered taboo in the earlier days. It was only in the 1930's that such topic was somehow openly discussed in public.

Penis length is very important to your partner. There is nothing quite like hitting the deepest parts of her vagina during intercourse. When you do this you will drive her completely wild. I tried to make my penis bigger for years and I developed an incredible system to cause incredible gains in my penis. The results meant that my penis grew by over 3 inches in length. In this article I'm going to reveal the exact steps you should take to make your penis length bigger.

There are so many penis male enlargement methods advertised on television radio and internet nowadays that it's hard to choose one. There are a lot of sources of information claiming that penis male enlargement pills do not bring any positive results. Is that really true?

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Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012

Better Sex Stories Natural Breast Enhancement Pills - What To Look For Before You Buy Any Enlargement Pills - Relationships - Sexuality

The use of penis enlarger pills is the way to increase the size of a man's penis. Penis enlarger pills are produced using natural herbs. Herbs like ginseng yohimbe and maca etc are mixed together to create an ingredient which can be used for the sole purpose of increasing the size of the penis.

Are you self-confident in your penis size? Do you think women can tell? If you are not sure of yourself then you need to read this article & figure out how to become more confident around women.

With so much doubt about whether natural penis male enlargement works or not more and more men are engaging in penis exercises as a method of enlarging their penis. But do these exercises really work?

Are you happy with your penis size? Most men are not. If you want to enlarge your penis size permanently and see huge gains - read on.. Just 6 minutes per day for a few short weeks will make your penis much longer thicker and healthier and give you permanent gains which you can enjoy for the rest of your life! Enlarge your penis at home >>

Some methods of penis male enlargement of focused only on increasing the length of your penis. Stretching devices come to mind here even though the product manufacturers lie by claiming that they also improved in your girth. Others are more focused on girth even though these are less common. However anyone who actually wants to increase their penis size should want to see increases in both length and girth; and I believe that the best way for causing this is the natural method.

Are you looking to learn how to make a penis swell up? If you are then you are a smart man because think that thickness is just as important as length. With that being said it would be very important that you learn how to make a penis swell up. In this article I am going to show you what you need to do in order to get it bigger.

This article is a list of Male enhancement techniques I feel are the best on the market. This is my opinion from research I have personal conducted online. These reviews are based largely on customer satisfaction ratings.

If you ignore the marketing ploys and the clever packaging behind the majority of penis male enlargement products you will discover that the actual success rate is dismal. If you don't want to be another statistic of failure you need to research the best way to add size onto your penis - this article will help you do exactly that...

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