Montag, 30. Juli 2012

Sex Addiction: A Curse or Not? - Self Help - Addictions

Put yourself into the shoes of someone who is getting the hint that he or she must be, in one way or another, leaning towards sex addiction. How would you most probably feel? Do you think it is something you will be willing to discuss with your friends, or with your family, with ease and comfort? Definitely, it isn't! Accepting such a fact is surely going to be a challenge.

What makes a person sexually addicted?

By nature, sex is a form of a biological need. Men and women alike crave for it and succumb to it. However, it turns into an addiction when it doesn't only function as a biological need. You become addicted to it as sex begins to overpower you and take full control of your life. Meaning to say, you start displaying a raucous behavior. You become obsessed with sex, you compromise your work just to have sex, you chase after sex, you become distracted when you feel the urge to have sex, and basically you set things aside, even your duties to your family and profession, just to get what you want: SEX.

Now, these signs are not in any way positive. If you notice sex to be the driving force that motivates you, then you must seek professional help immediately.

How does a sex addict behave?

Apart from the above mentioned indications, someone who is addicted to sex easily gets upset, especially when he is unable to get what he desires. He or she fabricates stories about his or her whereabouts, doesn't stick to one partner, and oftentimes feels paranoid, even in the simplest circumstances.

How does a sex addict feel?

Because a person who is addicted to sex just thinks about it, he or she may turn against himself. He or she may deem himself to be unworthy of any form of genuine love, and at the same time incapable of reciprocating the feelings of the opposite sex. That individual may feel ashamed or guilty and may start looking down on himself, and see him as someone who is incompetent. He may also even view himself as a bad person. Moreover, those in a relationship tend to feel detachment or show unhappiness towards the significant other, while those out of a relationship often feels desperate and alone.

If you feel that you display any of these indications, or if you know someone who does, then seeking professional help is a must and put your life or someone else's back to its normal course.

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